 General and Miscellaneous Political and Social Activism (Student Movements, Anti-war, etc.) Civil Rights and Ethnic/Racicial Activism Gay and Lesbian Activism The Presidency The Cold War Popular Culture/The Arts Hippies, Yippies, Youth Culture, Counterculture Hollywood and TV Take on the 60s and 70s (and other Establishment Propaganda) Vietnamese War: Documentaries. See Peace & Conflict: Vietnam Vietnamese War: Movies SEE MRC War Movies videography The 1960's: Hold-outs. throwbacks, and casualties  Peace & Conflict Studies (for documentaries on the war in Viet Nam) The Black Panther Party The 1950's Movies of the 1960's The Free Speech Movement (includes online audiorecordings of FSM events) African American/African Diaspora Studies Popular Culture [cold war propaganda; Vietnam war propaganda, etc.]
- Arguing the World
- Traces the lives of four of the 20th century's leading thinkers, Daniel Bell, Nathan Glazer, Irving Howe and Irving Kristol. They have been disagreeing with a vengeance since they studied together at New York City College in the 1930s. This film traces their early idealistic days, their controversial role in the McCarthy era, their battle with the New Left in the sixties, and their vastly differing political views today. 1997. 109 min. Video/C 5541
- Dawn of the Eye: The Powers That Be, 1960-1975.
- In the 1960s, television had become the dominant source of news in North America, and proved to be instrumental in revolutionizing the democratic process by showing the forces of protest and political opposition. It is said that the civil rights movement and anti-war movements could not have succeeded if it were not for television. Includes a look at failed government efforts to control television news. DVD 4530; vhs Video/C 5945
- Dominoes.
- A portrait of the 1960's using documentary film footage and rock music from the period. Focuses on a succession of tableaus, conveying the director's view that one thing led to another. Presented as an artist's impressions, not to be construed as strictly sequential. 60 min. Video/C 2125
ABC-CLIO Video Rating Guide for Libraries - The Fabulous Sixties.
- Reviews the events, personalities, cultural and social trends, and business and sports achievements responsible for making the 1960's a decade of sharp contrasts. 10 tapes 550 min. total. Video/C 1065-1066
- Focus on 1960-1964, The Kennedy Years.
- Looks at the events of the years 1960-64, such as the Cuban missile crisis, the Bay of Pigs, the Berlin Wall, the civil war in Vietnam, civil rights, John Glenn's space flight, etc.,) and tells of their significance in American history. 58 min. Video/C 1006
- Focus on 1965-1969, The Angry Years.
- Uses archival photographs, sound recordings, and film footage to explore world events, sports, life-styles, and scientific achievements of the late sixties. 58 min. Video/C 1007
- Le Fond de l'Air est Rouge (A Grin Without a Cat)
- Chris Marker's epic film essay on the worldwide political wars of the 60's and 70's: Vietnam, Bolivia, May '68, Prague, Chile, and the fate of the New Left. This sweeping, global contemplation of a defining decade's political history is divided into two parts, each part woven together to describe what Marker has called "scenes of the Third World War." Contents: Pt. 1. Fragile hands = Les mains fragiles: From Vietnam to Che's death; May 1968 and all that. -- Pt. 2. Severed hands = Les mains coupees: From the Prague Spring to the Common Program of Government in France; From Chile to -- to what? 1978 (restored and re-actualized by Marker in 1993). 180 min. Video/C 8313
Description from First Run/Icarus catalog - I Can Hear It Now: The Sixties [Sound Recording]
- Narrated by Walter Cronkite. Narrative, principally with excerpts from political speeches and reporters' accounts of historical events; includes excerpts from songs by performers such as Tony Bennett, the Beatles, and Bob Dylan ; narrated by Walter Cronkite. 90 different news reports, speeches and commentaries from the decade of the nineteen sixties. Partial contents: Prologue and John F. Kennedy inaugural, Jan. 20, 1961 through Cuban Missile Crisis -- Richard M. Nixon concedes defeat California election through assassination and four dark days of Kennedy funeral, Nov. 25, 1963 -- Lyndon B. Johnson speaks to joint session of Congress, Nov. 27, 1963 through report from Village of Cam Ne (Morley Safer) Aug. 5, 1965 -- Great power blackout of 1965 through Robert Kennedy eulogy given by Edward Kennedy at St. Patrick's, June 8, 1968 -- Republican and Democratic Conventions 1968 through flight of Apollo 11 first moon landing July 20/21, 1969 -- Nixon greets returning astronauts through Epilogue. Sound/D 192
- John & Yoko: The Bed-in
- Unable to follow up on the Amsterdam bed-in in the United States, John Lennon and Yoko Ono chose Montreal and invited the press to come to them. In John's words, "expending the least energy to maximum effect," they campaigned for world peace from a bed at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel for a week starting on May 26, 1969. Contains the classic live bedroom recording of "Give peace a chance." Also features "Instant karma," "Remember love," "Who has seen the wind," and the acoustic version of "Because.". 74 min. Video/C MM355
- Justice is a Constant Struggle
- Narrator: Studs Terkel. Documents the key roles played by members of the National Lawyers' Guild in helping attain and maintain civil rights and civil liberties over the past five decades. Covers the group's opposition to HUAC and the McCarthy hearings and its work on behalf of members of the civil rights, antiwar, labor and sanctuary movements. Produced, directed, and edited by Abby Ginzberg. 1987. 28 min. Video/C MM544
- KPFA On The Air
- In 1949, America's first listener-supported community radio station, KPFA, began broadcasting from Berkeley, Calif. The station quickly became a living testament to free speech and cultural diversity -- a vital community of the air that often found itself embroiled in conflict. This film reviews KPFA's passionate 50-year history, including its founding by pacifists and poets, through alternative news coverage of the McCarthy hearings, peace issues, race relations, nuclear disarmanent, nuclear power, student protests, the Black Panther Movement, and the Vietnam War, to the present day challenges that confront this ongoing experiment in democratic media. 2000. 56 min. Video/C 7063
Description from the California Newsreel catalog Links to web sites about Pacifica/KPFA - Making Sense of the Sixties. 6 parts, 58 min. each.
Part 1, Seeds of the Sixties Focuses on one of the most important seeds of rebellion: institutionalized prejudice that kept American blacks in subservience and poverty, preventing their children from receiving the education that could help them gain equality. It also shows how television brought home this fact to Northern whites. DVD 1805 [preservation copy]; also VHS Video/C 1953:1 Part 2, We Can Change the World. Chronicles the years 1960-1964, when the civil rights movement and John F. Kennedy inspired idealism in college students. The program explores the impact of the Cuban missile crisis, the assasination of John F. Kennedy, and the 1963 March on Washington. DVD 1806 [preservation copy]; also VHS Video/C 1953:2 Part 3, Breaking Boundaries, testing limits. Depicts the sixties' youth rebellion and the counterculture, when millions of young people brushed aside every social rule they had learned and substituted tenets of their own. Chronicles the media's role in the development and impact of the youth rebellion and society's response to it. DVD 1807 [preservation copy]; also VHS Video/C 1953:3 Part 4, In a Dark Time. Focuses on 1968. It follows the escalating Vietnam War, the anti-war movement's explosive growth, and the riots and rebellions in almost all of America's cities. It ends with the tragic assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. DVD 1808 [preservation copy]; also VHS Video/C 1953:4 Part 5,Picking up the Pieces. Discusses how and why more extreme splinter groups like the Black Panthers came to be, as well as two new movements: the environmental movement and the women's movement. Finally, it recreates the national mood at the end of the decade when the Vietnam vets came home, when hundreds of Black Panthers were arrested or killed, when Richard Nixon was forced to resign, and when the country is held hostage by OPEC. DVD 1809 [preservation copy]; also VHS Video/C 1953:5 Part 6, Legacies of the Sixties Discusses the issues of the sixties from today's perspective and assesses the era's role in making America what it is in the nineties, while we still face many of the same issues. DVD 1810 [preservation copy]; also VHS Video/C 1953:6 Video Librarian: ABC-CLIO Video Rating Guide for Libraries Farber, David. "Making Sense of the Sixties." (television program reviews) Journal of American History v78, n3 (Dec, 1991):1183. Leonard, John. "Making Sense of the Sixties." (television program reviews) New York v24, n3 (Jan 21, 1991):68 (2 pages). Moreland, Kim; Ribuffo, Leo; Griggs, Catherine. "Making Sense of the Sixties." (video recording reviews) American Studies International v29, n2 (Oct, 1991):92 (2 pages). Waters, Harry F. "Making Sense of the Sixties." (television program reviews) Newsweek v117, n3 (Jan 21, 1991):52. Zoglin, Richard. "Making Sense of the Sixties." (television program reviews) Time v137, n3 (Jan 21, 1991):70. - McLuhan On McLuhanism
- Marshall McLuhan discusses his theories of mass communication and fields questions from a panel of university professors and film critics. Participants: Host: Eric Larrabee. Lecturer: Marshall McLuhan. Panel: Erik Barnouw, Robert K. Merton, Richard Schickel. A videocassette release of a 1966 segment of the television program Sunday Showcase. 1966. 89 min. Video/C 4693
- The Rage Within and The Road to the Sixties (David Halberstam's The Fifties, vol. 5)
- "The Rage Within" shows how America in the fifties is finally forced to examine issues of racial discrimination through the murder of Emmet Till, the rise of athletes like Bill Russell and Willie Mays, school desegregation, the Montgomery bus strike, and leadership by Martin Luther King, Jr. "The Road to the Sixties" shows American involvement with fast cars, fast food, the space race, the rise of Fidel Castro in Cuba and a rising restlessness as the country hurtles toward the next decade. 50 min. Video/C 5383
- The Sixties: The Years That Shaped a Generation
- Traces the events of the Sixties, a decade of change, experimentation and hope that transformed an entire nation. This in-depth documentary features revealing interviews with the prominent figures of the era who lived and sometimes influenced events of the powerful decade. Narrator, Paul Herlinger ; interviews with Henry Kissinger, Jesse Jackson, Arlo Guthrie, Barbara Ehrenriech, Daniel Ellsberg, Tom Hayden, Norman Mailer, Robert McNamara, Ed Meese, Bobby Seale. Directed and produced by David Davis and Stephen Talbot. PBS, 2005. 120 min. DVD 4442
- Smothered: The Censorship Struggles of the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.
- Tells the story of the censorship battles of this groundbreaking comedy television program that became a hot bed of controversy, igniting laughter and social consciousness across a nation. Broadcast on CBS televison from 1967 until it was cancelled in 1969, the beloved hosts pioneered a turning point in American television history. Written & directed by Maureen Muldaur. 2002. 99 min. DVD 4175
 Description of series from the Encyclopedia of Television - The Video McLuhan
- Written & narrated by Tom Wolfe. Contents: 1. McLuhan videos 1958-1964 (51 min.) -- 2. McLuhan videos 1965-1970 (40 min.) -- 3. McLuhan videos 1972-1979 (43 min.) -- 4. Ohio State Univ. panel 1958 (30 min.) -- 5. Florida St. Univ. lecture 1970 (55 min.) -- 6. York Univ. lecture 1979 (31 min.).
Performers: Gilbert Seldes, Frank Kermode, Tom Snyder, Malcolm Muggeridge, Norman Mailer, Robert Fulford, Tom Brokaw, David Frost, Woody Allen. Presents the most complete video record of communications theorist Marshall McLuhan. Using video footage from the 1940's to the late 1970's, this program traces the development of McLuhan's thinking and takes the viewer through McLuhan's rise to prominence on the world stage. McLuhan discusses and argues his themes in the classroom, on the lecture circuit, on TV talk shows and newsmagazine programs. 6 videocassettes (250 min.) Video/C 4503 Video McLuhan Web site - Video Librarian
- Who Is the American Connection?
- Two former agents of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration tell of coverups and corruption within the Administration when they worked undercover from the 1960s through 1974. In attempting to stop the narcotics traffic in the U.S. their inside knowledge of the corruption within the Administration ultimately threatened their lives and led to their resignations. 86 min. Video/C 6132
- Young Blood, 1968
- By 1960 almost half the U.S. population was under eighteen years of age. By 1968, the conservative '50s had been overtaken by full-blown social and political revolt. In Europe, students rioted and demonstrated for greater intellectual freedom--and against the rigid values of the parents' generation. This film revisits the Civil Rights Movement, the beginnings of Students for a Democratic Society, the experience of the Vietnam War, student protests in 1968 Paris, anti-war movements, the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago, the Weather Underground, the advent of rock and roll, hippies, counter-culture, yippies and anti-nuclear campaigns. 1997. 56 min. Video/c 6439
Political and Social Activism (Student Activism, Anti-War Movements, Right Wing Reaction) War in Vietnam Anti-Vietnam War Protests in the San Francisco Bay Area & Beyond (online media archive) - [Abbot, Helen] Interview with Activist Helen Abbott.
- Interviewer: Harold Adler; interviewees, Tarnel Abbott, Helen Abbott. An interview with Helen Abbott, founder of the Vietnam Day Committee which consisted of students and activists and other members of the Bay Area community opposed to American intervention in Vietnam. Videographer, Harold Adler. 2002. 112 min. Video/C MM503
- The Activist: Hell No, Nobody Goes (Mike Smith and the Oakland 7)
- A Dramatization which examines the philosophies and activities of student draft resisters to the Vietnam War situated on the University of California, Berkeley campus in the 1960's. 198-? 51 min. Video/C 3797
- America, Love It or Leave It
- During the Vietnam War the largest ever exodus of political refugees took place. 125,000 Americans fled to Canada as draft resisters and deserters. Now twenty years later this documentary examines the impact of this migration on both Canada and the United States. Written and directed by Tom Shandel. 1990 57 min. Video/C 8163
- America Against Itself
- Presents interviews recorded in 1968 with students, delegates, reporters, ministers, etc. who were at the 1968 Democratic Convention, concerning their attitudes towards the convention and riots, police response and political situation. Interspersed with segments of news footage of the Convention and riots. 1968. 45 min. Video/C 9430
- Amerika
- Documentary about the escalation and diversity of the anti-Vietnam War protest movement on the homefront. Includes conversations with Vietnam vets, teenagers, and Afro-American militants. Graphically depicts the hightened incidents of mass protest and police repression. Originally produced as a documentary film in 1969 by Newsreel. 33 min. Video/C 5854
- Anarchy U.S.A.
- Film originally produced in 1966. This radical anti-African American, anti-communist, anti-civil rights propaganda documentary was made shortly after the Watts riots. Employing newsreel footage this film traces the methods used by communists to take over China, Cuba and Algeria, and then attempts to demonstrate that the same tactics have been used by the U.S. civil rights movement. 78 min. Video/C 2962
- Anti-war Films of the 1960s
- Universal Newsreel: Peace march: thousands oppose Vietnam War (4/18/67, 3 min.) -- Universal Newsreel: Protests galore (5/5/67, 3 min.) -- Universal Newsreel: Anti-war demonstrators storm Pentagon (10/24/67, 2 min.) -- The seasons change (1968, 45 min.) -- Columbia revolt (1969, 49 min.) Universal Newsreels: Three newsreels showing demonstrations against the Vietnam War in the United States, Spain, Italy, and London with some coverage of the "March on the Pentagon." Seasons change: Details the events and issues involved in the violent Chicago Police crackdown on anti-war demonstrators during the 1968 Democratic National Convention. Includes interviews with demonstation participants, the Chicago 7 and an official statement of the Youth International Party (Yippies). Columbia revolt: This documentary of the student protests and riots at Columbia University in 1968, presents the events as they happened from the perspective of the students, from the early stages of what originally began as a demonstration but quickly became an occupation by students of campus facilites, setting off a chain of events that ultimately resulted in a two month long, violent siege. DVD 5960
- Berkeley in the Sixties.
- Contents: Pt. 1 Confronting the university: the Free Speech Movement-- pt. 2. Confronting America: the anti-war movement (32 min.) -- pt. 3. Confronting history: the counter-culture movement(45 min.). Through interviews with participants and archival footage, presents a history of Berkeley, California in the 1960s. 117 min. DVD 1460; also VHS Video/C 1761
Credits and other information from Internet Movie Database
Mario Savio, Sproul Hall Steps, December 2, 1964 (Requires RealAudio player) Transcripts of speech (excerpt) - Berkeley People's Park.
- Documentary on the attempt to prevent the Berkeley police from taking Peoples' park away from the people. DVD 4131 (preservation copy); also VHS Video/C 2129
- The Berkeley Rebels
- Narrator: Harry Reasoner. Mario Savio, Clark Kerr, Sallie Learey, Ron Anastasi, Kate Coleman, Michael Rossman. A unique documentary film presenting the 1964 Free Speech Movement demonstrations and sit-in at the University of California, Berkeley through first person accounts by four students involved in the protests. Includes debates between students with differing viewpoints of the movement, debates between faculty and students and an overview of the impersonal academic experience at the University which fueled the unrest. 1965? 57 min. DVD 1253 (preservation access copy); also VHS Video/C 5710
- Berkeley Teach-in: Vietnam [sound recording]
- Disc 1. -- Professor Staughton Lynd (10:15) -- Professor Aaron Wildavsky (5:15) -- Robert Scheer (5:45) -- Paul Potter (9:45) -- Paul Krassner (4:55) -- Bob Parris (3:55) -- Dr. Benjamin Spock (3:45) -- I.F. Stone (6:20) -- M.S. Arnoni (5:30) -- Disc 2. -- Norman Mailer (14:35) -- Mario Savio (9:15) -- Dick Gregory (7:05) -- Senator Ernest Gruening (10:50) -- Isaac Deutscher (22:40). Recorded at the Berkeley campus of the University of California by Radio Station KPFA in 1965. Presents speeches from a 1965 Berkeley teach-in with speakers opposed to American involvement in Vietnam. "Teach-ins" were developed as a form of politico-educational protest in response to a general need for organized dissent and opposition to a course of government policy abroad.
Listen to these recordings online - The Best of Broadside 1962-1988: Anthems of the American Underground from the Pages of Broadside Magazine [SOUND RECORDING]
- Performers: Phil Ochs, Peter La Farge, The Broadside Singers, Pete Seeger, Mark Spoelstra, Jim Page, Malvina Reynolds, Tom Paxton, Bob Dylan, Buffy Sainte-Marie, The Freedom Singers, Janis Ian, Len Chandler, El Teatro Campesino, Paul Kaplan, Wes Houston, The New World Singers, Rev. F. D. Kirkpatrick, Jim Collier, Sammy Walker, Peggy Seeger. Broadside was a small underground magazine filled with new songs by artists too radical for the establishment. These songs tell stories rooted in American history from 1962 through 1988 addressing such issues as warfare, nuclear threat, ethnic conflicts, immigrants' sufferings, unequal treatment of women, ecological devastation and social injustice. This extensively annotated 5 CD set includes 89 songs, some never commercially released, extensive notes, graphics from the original Broadside magazine and more. SOUND/D 88
- California Since the Sixties: Revolutions and Counterrevolutions. (California Studies Conference. [11th: 1999: University of California, Berkeley]). Videographer: Harold Adler
Popular Organizing and People's Movements, 2/4/99 Contents: Breaking with union centrism: some thoughts for revitalizing the U.S. labor movement / Peter Olney (23 min.) -- Regional racial formations in political culture / Laura Pulido (25 min.) -- Trends in youth organizing / Julie Brown (10 min.). A panel of political and labor organizers comments on the history and current directions in American labor and political movements with particular reference to minorities and youth. Concludes with questions from the audience. Presented at a conference held on February 4-6, 1999 at the University of California, Berkeley. 100 min. Video/C 5973 After Alcatraz: American Indian Uprisings, 2/4/99. American Indian population in the Bay Area / Susan Lobo (11 min.) -- Participation in the "outcast" of Alcatraz / Millie Ketchano, Edward Castillo (30 min.) -- The occupation of Alcatraz Island / Troy Johnson (24 min.) -- The filming of the documentary: The Indian occupation of Alcatraz / John Plutte (26 min.) -- Closing commentary by panel (8 min.) -- Reception honoring Alice Waters, Chez Panisse, 2/4/99 at the Bancroft Library (9 min.). A panel of American Indians comments on their personal experiences in the occupation of Alcatraz Island, the "relocation program" and urban Indians, the preservation of American Indian history through film and other means and the current situation of American Indians in California. 107 min. Video/C 5974 Angela Davis, keynote address, 2/4/99. Angela Davis comments on the social forces that cause so many Afro-Americans to spend time in prison and on the "anti-prison movement" which works for the reform of California prisons by bringing together political activists on the outside with prison inmates. 89 min. Video/C 5975 Documenting the Counterrevolution: Photography in the 60's and 70's, 2/5/99. A panel of three photographers from the 60's comments on their experiences. Joe Samburg's photographs focus on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley. Helen Nestor photographed the Free Speech Movement, the beginning of busing of school children in the South and the origins of the women's movement. Nacio Brown comments on his life as a photographer for the underground press in Berkeley in the 60s. 86 min. Video/C 5976 David Harris Lecture, 2/5/99. A lecture by David Harris, journalist, writer, civil system to the Vietnam War. Here he expounds upon his personal experiences in the political turmoil in California and the South during the 1960's. 66 min. Video/C 5977 Beyond the Boomers, 2/5/99. Contents: Introduction / Louise Nelson (5 min.) -- If you were a member of the 60s: towards a radical historiography / Lauren Coodley (20 min.) -- Is there a generation X? / Eric Rice (19 min.) -- You can't really believe the magazines: prescriptions and reality in the middle class bedroom / Jessica Weiss (21 min.) -- Asian American youth gangs, model minorities and post 60s political poverty / Mike Murashige (22 min.) -- The Quiet after the boom: generation X reconsidered / Tomas Sandoval (18 min.) -- Audience questions (10 min.). A panel of "post-boomers" (often described as cynical and nihilistic) examine the "baby boomer" generation and American culture, politics and social groups as they have been influenced by generational identities. 115 min. Video/C 5978 Musical Innovators, 2/5/99. Contents: [Political protest songs of the 60s] / Country Joe McDonald (19 min.) -- [The history and development of country music] / Gerald Haslam (22 min.) -- [African-American styles in California music] / (Linda ?) (26 min.) -- [Influence and creation of Latino music and protest music] / Jose Cuellar (43 min.). Four musicians talk about the development of various types of protest music in the sixties and play some of the songs that were created during the era. 120 min. Video/C 5979 Readings by Maxine Hong Kingston's Veterans Writing Workshop and Robert Hass, 2/5/99. Contents: Robert Hass (30 min.) -- Boy and the buffalo / Jim Jenko (sp?) (6 min.) -- The hunt / Keith Maker (?) (8 min.) -- Ish / Niki Cashton (?) (7 min.) -- Prologue to Grief denied: a Vietnam widow's story / Pauline Lorentz (?) (9 min.) -- The visit / Lee Swenson (?) (8 min.) -- Muhammad Ali. Live body. One more / Jeremiah Kelvio-Swazaw (?) (6 min.) -- Untitled piece / Katherine Beckwith (?) (6 min.) -- The well by the trail. Ambivalent nature of healing / Ted Sexhauer (?) (9 min.). Poetry readings led off by California poet laureate, Robert Hass, reading from his own works followed by poetry and prose written and presented by members of the Veterans Writing Workshop which was originally developed by Maxine Hong Kingston to provide a literary voice for Vietnam War veterans. 102 min. Video/C 5980 Gerald Haslam Lecture, 2/6/99. Author and historian, Gerald Haslam provides reminiscences and perceptions of California and Central Valley culture as it has developed from the 60s to the 90s. 72 min. Video/C 5982 - Charles Garry: Street Fighter in the Courtroom
- A dynamic first-hand biography of the life's work of combative civil rights lawyer and activist, Charles Garry. Focusing on six compelling cases that brought the social and political battles of the street into the courtroom, this documentary relives the drama of the 1960s through archival footage of the events and interviews with journalists, defendants and Charles Garry himself. Contents: HUAC -- The Panthers -- Growing up -- The Chicago Conspiracy Trial -- Murder trial of Bobby Seale -- Stop the draft week -- Los Siete de la Raza. [200-?] 58 min. Video/C 7980
Media Review Digest (UCB users only) - Chicago 1968 (American Experience)
- Explores the atmosphere surrounding the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Insight into factors contributing to events is provided through interviews with writers, politicians, anti-war activists and historians. 57 min. Video/C 4851
- Chicago Convention Challenge
- Using newreel footage taken in the midst of demonstrations against the Vietnam War during the 1968 Democratic National Convention, this film conveys the immediacy of anti-war organizing in meeting rooms, at rallies and in the streets. It is a valuable historical portrait of events that culminated in police riots against the protesters. 18 min. Video/C 5575
- Columbia Revolt, 1968
- Newsreel footage, with commentary by participants, of the student protests and riots at Columbia University in 1968. 50 min. DVD 3723; included on DVD 5152 and DVD 5960; also vhs Video/C 5853
- Committee on Un-American Activities
- This documentary presents 1930s footage of House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) Chairman Martin Dies (D) of Texas attacking "subversives" in labor unions; the Hollywood Witch Hunts; the Cold War blacklistings; and the 1960 San Francisco hearings. The film contains an analysis of how the HUAC subpoened the newsfilms of the City Hall protests from TV stations KRON & KPIX and used federal facilities to edit them to produce the film "Operation Abolition," attacking its critics as disloyal. Among the HUAC's critics shown: Presidents Roosevelt and Truman, civil rights leader Rev. Wyatt T. Walker, Congressmen James Roosevelt & Phillip Burton, and Frank Wilkinson. 1963. 45 min. Video/C 9345
- Committee on Un-American Activities.
- A documentary presentation of the origins, purposes, and practices of the House Committee on Un-American Activities. 45 min. Video/C 65
- Communists on Campus
- An American propaganda documentary created "to inform and impress on American citizens the true nature and the true magnitude of those forces that are working within our nation for its overthrow...and the destruction of our educational system." Film covers the July 1969 California Revolutionary Conference and other demonstrations, warning against the activities of Students for a Democratic Society, the Black Panthers, student protestors and Vietnam War demonstrators as they promote a "socialist/communist overthrow of the U.S. government," taking as their mentor Chairman Mao Tse-Tung. Featuring Mike Klonsky, Bernadine Dohrn, Mark Rudd, Rap Brown, Bobby Seale, David Hilliard, Herbert Aptheker, Tom Hayden, Mario Savio, Gus Hall, Bettina Aptheker, Eldridge Cleaver, Archie Brown, Jeff Jones, Marie W. Johnson, Roberta Alexander, Carol Henry, Ora Williams, Marlene Dixon, Ray "Masai" Hewitt, Don Cox, Huey P. Newton, William Kunstler, Charles Garry, Noel Ignatin, Roscoe Proctor, Kenny Horsten, Bob Avakian, Andy Stapp, Angela Davis, Donald Kalish, Sergei Pavlov. (1970s) 55 min. Video/C 6927
- Confrontation: An Analysis of the San Francisco State Strike, 1968-69.
- The strike at San Francisco State College is seen as a microcosm of the fragmentation of American cities. Examines the strike as a reflection of the "sickness in American cities". NBC documentary, 1969. 90 min, Video/C 2308
- Conspiracy
- An informal interview taped on January 12, 1970 with the Chicago 7, revolving around the trial and the participants' actions in the court room and reasons therefore. Interviewer: Ron G. Davis. Panel: Dave Dellinger, John Froines, Tom Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, Jerry Rubin, Rennie Davis, Lee Weiner. 59 min. DVD 4160 (preservation copy); Video/C 7144
- Conspiracy: the Trial of the Chicago 8
- Swinging billy clubs, Chicago riot police hacked their way through 100 yards of a densely packed crowd of young people outside the 1968 Democratic Convention. The demonstrators had assembled to protest the Vietnam War, but the rally collapsed into a riot of savage violence, bloodied faces and tear gas. When the dust settled, eight men were charged with organizing and inciting the revolt. Their trial was more explosive than the riot. For raising their voices in defiance against a grossly biased court and its violations of their liberty, The Chicago 8 were bound and gagged, both symbolically and literally. Written and directed by Jeremy Kagan. 1987. 117 min. DVD 4144
- David Gilbert: a Lifetime of Struggle
- An interview with David Gilbert, who is among the longest held anti-imperialist political prisoners in the world. He worked against the Vietnam War and for Black civil rights, was a leader in the Columbia University student strike and Students for a Democratic Society, and was a member of the Weather Underground Organization. In 1981 he was convicted for his participation in a Brinks truck robbery to raise funds for the Black Liberation Army. In prison he has continued to work for social justice calling early attention to the AIDS epidemic and working as an advocate for the rights of prisoners. Based on an interview by Sam Green and Bill Siegel. Videotaped in 1998 at Great Meadows Prison, Comstock, N.Y. Freedom Archives, [2002]. 29 min. Video/C 9867
- Free Speech Movement
See separate listing of videos and sound recordings
- Everyman.
- The boat Everyman was built by peace groups in the San Francisco Bay Area for the purpose of protesting nuclear testing by sailing into Pacific Ocean nuclear test zones. The film covers Everyman's first and only voyage on May 27, 1962 when it sailed twenty miles out to sea, only to be stopped by the U.S. Coast Guard, which arrested the crew and impounded the boat. Protests included sit-in demonstrations at the U.S. Marshal's office, in which Joan Baez took part, singing "We Shall Overcome." The crew was sentenced to 30 days in jail. A film by Harvey Richards. 1962. 21 min. DVD 4242
- Free Speech Movement Recordings from the Pacifica Foundation Archives
- Online audiorecordings of interviews, speeches, and other activities of the Berkeley FSM. See Separate listing and information regarding access to these recordings
- General Wastemoreland, Interview, 1998.
- An interview with Vietnam War protestor General Wastemoreland (Tom Dunphy) as he recalls his friendship with General Hershey Bar (Calypso Joe) and their experiences in the 1960's protesting against the Vietnam War in Berkeley, San Francisco and Los Angeles through "guerrilla street theater." Videographer, Harold Adler. 48 min. Video/C 5673
- Generations Apart: A Profile of Dissent (CBS Reports)
- In this 1969 news program, reporter John Laurence takes a look at how the youth of the 60s rejected their parents' political views and cultural values, differing greatly in their opinions toward the role of civil disobedience and violence. Includes interviews with young people ages 17 to 25 and their parents concerning their political and social attitudes. Also presents an interview with San Francisco State University president Dr. S. I. Hayakawa. Originally aired on the CBS Television Network on May 27, 1969. 52 min. Video/C 8999
- Growing up in America.
- Featuring: Allen Ginsberg, Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, Fred Hampton, Deborah Johnson, Fred Hampton, Jr., William Kunstler, John Sinclair, Don Cox, Timothy Leary. In 1969 Morley Markson made a film that captured the heart and soul of the 1960's and called it Breathing Together: Revolution of the Electric Family. Eighteen years later, Markson tracked down the living legends included in his film to see how their perspective of the Sixties may have changed. Asked to look at the footage of their younger selves, they reflect on how much their lives and the times have changed in 3 decades. 1988. 90 min. Video/C 4972
- Guerrilla: The Taking of Patty Hearst
- On February 4, 1974, college student Patty Hearst (granddaughter of newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst), was kidnapped from her apartment by a terrorist group calling itself the Symbionese Liberation Army. The SLA, seeking to foment a violent uprising within America's working class, forced the Hearst family to donate millions of dollars in food to the poor. But two months after her kidnapping, Patty emerged in public as Tania, an armed member of the SLA who helped her captors to rob a bank. Director Robert Stone uses rare and previously unseen archive footage as well as interviews with former SLA members to explain "America's first encounter with modern media-driven political terrorism." Produced and directed by Robert Stone. c2005. 89 min. DVD 4443
- Hot Damn!
- Film contains unique footage of the Bay Area peace movement at a time when the Vietnam War was escalating rapidly. Segments include the Berkeley troop train demonstrations; peace marches from Berkeley to Oakland, ending in massive confrontation with local police; the Oakland Army Induction Center draft protest, draft card burnings, and the sit-ins of 1964-65. 17 min. DVD 4240; also VHS Video/C 2797
- Kent State: The Day the War Came Home
- This program looks back on the reasons for the violent attack on anti-Vietnam-war student demonstrators on the Kent State University campus in 1970. Shows the build-up of the protest against the Vietnam War, especially by the youth of the country and the Black Panthers, and follows the stories of the four students who were killed by National Guardsmen. Includes interviews with former students who witnessed the events including a wounded student-activist, a now paralyzed student, a former National Guardsman and a sociology professor. 2001. 47 min. Video/C 7906
- Last Summer Won't Happen
- Shot in 1968, one year after the summer of love, this is a critical yet sympathetic examination of the anti-Vietnam War movement in New York City. The film traces the development of a group of activists on the Lower East side from isolated, alienated individuals to a politically empowered community. Filmed between the protests at the Pentagon and the demonstrations at the Democratic Convention in Chicago, it includes portraits of Abbie Hoffman, editor Paul Krassner, folksinger Phil Ochs and anarchist Tom "Osha" Neuman. A film by Peter Gessner and Thomas Hurwitz. 58 min. Video/C 9476
Description from First Run/Icarus catalog - Make Love Not War, The Sixties. (Cold War series)
- Western economies grow and prosper, fueled partly by armaments production. Rejecting their parents' affluence and the Cold War, many of the young protest and rebel. There is racial violence in U.S. inner cities while rock music comes to express the mood of a disenchanted generation. Video/C 5739
- [Mandel, William] Interview with William Mandel.
- Interviewer: Harold Adler. An interview with American political activist William Mandel, author of "Saying no to power." Originally recorded on 5/2/06. 55 min. DVD 5523
- My Dinner with Abbie.
- An interview with the American dissident, Abbie Hoffman, on the eve of his 50th birthday in 1986. 57 min. Video/C 3384
- My Name is Abbie
- A countercultural icon, Hoffman is remembered as one of the greatest radicals of the civil rights and anti-war movements of the sixties. In this film, which documents the first interview he gave in 1980 when he decided to reveal his identity after spending seven years in hiding, he traces the evolution of political activism in America. 1981. 30 min. Video/C 5132
- No Game
- Newsreel footage of an October 10, 1967 demonstration for peace against the war in Vietnam. Includes interviews with protesters who refused Selective Service. Originally produced as documentary film in 1968. 17 min. Video/C 5858
- No Greater Cause.
- Film chronicles the height of the anti-Vietnam war movement in the Bay Area. Footage shows the massive confrontations in Oakland between police and anti-draft protestors in 1967; the rally of 100,000 against the war at Kezar Stadium in April, 1967 including the keynote address by Vietnam veteran, David Duncan. 20 min. DVD 4241; also VHS Video/C 2801
- The New Left
- The New Left sprang from an affluent America torn byracial conflict and dissent over the Vietnam War. This program assesses the course of New Left politics up to 1967 by combining newsreel footage with interviews of leaders across the movement's range, including Tom Hayden, Carl Oglesby, Stokely Carmichael and Fannie Lou Hamer. From Students for a Democratic Society to the Black Panthers; from Martin Luther King, Jr. to Malcolm X, this look at a social and political groundswell provides fascinating insights into the era. Originally aired on the CBS Television Network on September 12, 1967. 55 min. Video/C 8904
- No More War.
- Film of the speech "No more Hiroshimas" by Dr. Linus Pauling and his wife in McArthur Park, Los Angeles, and a 1961 Los Angeles peace demonstration. 16 min. Video/C 9343
- On Strike! Ethnic Studies, 1969-1999
- A historical presentation of the struggle to create and maintain a Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of California Berkeley. Includes interviews with participants in the 1969 demonstrations when the program was first established, with the 1999 demonstrators when the funding for the program was threatened and with Ethnic Studies faculty at U.C.B. Directed and produced by Irum Shiekh. 1999. 36 min. Video/C 6521
- Patty Hearst (1988)
- Director, Paul Schrader. Cast: Natasha Richardson, William Forsythe, Ving Rhames, Frances Fisher, Jodi Long. Explores the crime/political/media story of the '70s: the kidnapping and mental torture of newspaper heiress Patty Hearst by the Symbionese Liberation Army ... and her subsequent transformation into a gun-wielding revolutionary called Tania. Based on the book "Every secret thing" by Patricia Campbell Hearst with Alvin Moscow. 108 min. 999:3271
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - Operation Correction
- A film by the American Civil Liberties Union produced as a rebuttal to the House Un-American Activities Committee's film "Operation abolition," that was an attempt to characterize as communist inspired, the May, 1960 student and activist demonstrations against the activities of the Committee. 1961. 44 min. DVD 4454
- People's Park.
- A documentary giving the history of the People's Park conflict and protests with emphasis on the role played by the University of California in the conflict. Originally produced in the early l970's. 23 min. Video/C 5860
People's Park: The Big Four State Their Cases. [ONLINE AUDIORECORDING] - Debate/discussion on People's park, involving Charles Palmer (former president, Associated Students UCB), Frank Bardecke (People's Park Negotiating Committee), Wallace Johnson (Mayor of Berkeley), and Roger Heyns (Chancellor, UCB). Pacifica Radio Achives/KPFA. 26 May 1969
Listen to it (Requires RealAudio player.) - © Pacifica Radio, 1969. All rights reserved.
- Rebels with a Cause
- Uses archival footage and interviews with activists involved to trace the history of Students for a Democratic Society through the 1960's. Growing out of student involvement with the black civil rights movement in the South, SDS grew quickly with the escalation of the war in Vietnam. Discusses how the Black Power movement shook the SDS, and the women's movement grew out of it. After 1968, the SDS was thrown into internal conflict with the Weathermen faction and the surveillance of the FBI. Interviewees talk about the legacy of the SDS for them. 2000. 109 min. DVD 1603
- The Roots of Resistance. Volume 1[Sound Recording]
- Selected highlights from the Freedom Archives featuring contemporary recordings of the voices of political and social activists. Topics include civil rights and Black liberation, Vietnam war protests, the prison movement, Puerto Rico, Chile, Native American movements, women's liberation, the International Hotel and other social issues and movements.
Contents: Introduction -- African roots of struggle -- Prison doors -- Vietnam victory -- Puerto Rico independence -- From Alcatraz to Wounded Knee -- Africa and Palestine -- Cuba and Chile -- Que viva La Raza -- Long live the International Hotel! -- The rising of the women is the rising of us all -- We who believe in freedom. Performers: Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr., Ho Chi Minh, Nelson Mandela, Victor and Joan Jara, Judy Grahn, Ossie Davis, Maya Angelou, Fannie Lou Hamer, Assata Shakur, Amilcar Cabral, Lolita Lebron, Winnie Mandela, Ruchell Magee, Angela Davis, Fred Hampton, Mario Savio, Bernardine Dohrn, Kathy Boudin, Jane Fonda, Ramsey Clark, Salvador Allende, Fidel Castro, Cesar Chavez, June Jordan, Marge Piercy, Meridel LeSueur, Joan Baez, Paul Robeson, Frank Smith, L.D. Barkley, George Jackson, Dennis Banks, Carter Camp, Chris Hani, Fernando Alegria, Reies Tijrina, June Jordan, Sweet Honey in the Rock. 71 min. Sound/D 170 - The Seasons Change.
- Features interviews with the Chicago 7, footage of 1968 Democratic Convention riots in Chicago, and an official statement of the Youth International Party (Yippies). Video/C 2093
- Student Activism in the 1960's. Part 1
- Sound and silent television news film clips of college student activism in the 1960's. Includes anti-Vietnam war protests at the University of California, Berkeley; student reaction to a speech and press conference by Madame Ngo Dinh Nhu, the wife of a political counselor in Vietnam; anti-discrimination picket and shop-in at Lucky supermarkets and student anti-discrimination demonstrations at the Sheraton Palace Hotel in San Francisco in 1964. 30 min. Video/C 5711
- Student Activism in the 1960's. Part 2
- Sound and silent television news film clips of college student activism in the 1960's. Includes student anti-discrimination demonstrations, sit-in and arrests at a Cadillac dealership in San Francisco, Free Speech Movement rallies in Sproul Plaza at the University of California, Berkeley with interview with Nina Spitzer, FSM organizer; FSM rally on November 10, 1964 in response to the Regents vote on disciplinary actions for FSM participants; Joan Baez singing and discussing her attendance at the rally and an interview with Mario Savio commenting on the Regents vote. KRON-TV, 1964. 26 min. Video/C 5712
- Student Activism in the 1960's. Part 3
- Sound and silent television news film clips of the Free Speech Movement at the University of California, Berkeley in 1964. Includes scenes of Dec. 7, 1964 special convocation at the Greek Theater with excerpts from a speech by Professor Robert Scalapino and president Clark Kerr; scenes of Mario Savio being restrained from speaking; Art Goldberg, FSM leader addressing the Greek Theater crowd; Savio addressing the press after the Greek Theater incident; Jack Weinberg addressing the rally after the Regent's vote. Unidentified African American civil rights leader praises student activism at Berkeley and involvement in civil rights movement; anti-communist folksinger; brief interviews with anti-FSM individials. KRON-TV, 1964.21 min. Video/C 5713
Student Strike, UC Berkeley, 1966 [ONLINE AUDIORECORDING] - Meeting held in Pauley Ballroom after sit-in and arrests related to blocking of Navy recruiting table outside of the ASUC store. The strike committee along with the audience decided to initiate a formal, all-out strike. This recording is a portion of the six hour deliberations related to this action.
Listen to it (Requires RealAudio player) - Summer '68.
- This documentary provides an in-depth examination of protest activities surrounding the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. It documents draft resistance organizing, the growth of G.I. coffee houses, the development of alternative media and the problems the movement faced in using mainstream media to broadcast its message. It is also a document of the philosophies, tactics, and problems of the student movement in the crucial year of 1968. 1969. 55 min. Video/C 5576
- Taking Part: Free Speech Movement and the Legacy of Social Protest
- A conference presented on April 13-14, 2001 in conjuction with the completion of the Free Speech Movement Digital Archive Project of the Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley. The conference that revisits the social context and lasting legacy of the 1960s Free Speech Movement at UCB.
Part 1: Freedom Summer, the Free Speech Movement and the emerging Left. The panel of four former FSM activists examine the relationship between the various social movements of the 60s as they intersected with the Free Speech Movement including the emerging civil rights movement, the beginnings of Black power and the new emerging political left. Concludes with questions from the audience. Panel: Robert P. Moses, Battina Aptheker, Jack Weinberg, Steve Weissman. 2001. 160 min. Video/C 7917 Part 2: The Vietnamization of the Berkeley Campus. The panel of speakers examine the conjuncture between the Free Speech Movement and the escalating nationwide protest against the Vietnam War. Concludes with questions from the audience. Panel: Marilyn Milligan (as read by Lynn Hollander Savio), Orville Schell, Peter Dale Scott, Leon Wofsy. 2001. 102 min. Video/C 7918 Part 3: Movements in Education Reform and Experimentation. The panel of speakers address the question: What impact did the Free Speech Movement have on educational reform and experimental educational programs? Concludes with questions from the audience. Panel: Charles P. Henry, Nigel Young, Carlos Munoz. 2001. 89 min. Video/C 7919 Part 4: The New Left: Language and Politics. The panel of former FSM activists address the impact of the emerging new left political idealogies of the 1960s and its interconnections with the Free Speech Movement. Concludes with questions from the audience. Panel: Wini Breines, Rebecca Klatch, Jeff Lustig, Sheldon Wolin. 2001. 99 min. Video/C 7920 Part 5: The Contested Field of Free Speech. In this final segment two noted scholars of civil liberties survey the progress, or lack of progress, for free speech in the United States in the past ten years. Concludes with questions from the audience. Speakers: Nadine Strossen, Richard Delgado. 2001. 90 min. Video/C 7921 - Thunder on the Right
- Minutemen militia patrol for Communists in Missouri; Eddie Rickenbacker calls for a statue of Sen. Joseph McCarthy; the John Birch Society rails against the income tax. This program reports on a broad array of resurgent American conservatism in 1963, including segments on the civil rights movement, Vietnam and the persistent fear of communism. Contains interviews with H. L. Hunt, Sen. Barry Goldwater, and Fred Schwarz, head of the Christian Anti-Communist Crusade. Originally aired on the CBS Television Network on February 22, 1962. 55 min. Video/C 8903
- The Thursday Club
- A documentary of historical footage interspersed with interviews of retired Oakland police officers who battled anti-war demonstrators and Black Panthers in the 1960s. Portraying a generation that lived through the Depression and World War II before they became policemen, this film covers the Vietnam War protests that spilled from Berkeley into Oakland, the racial integration of the Oakland Police Department, and the ambivalence of black officers during the department's war with the Black Panthers. Produced and directed by George Paul Csicsery. 2005. 60 min. DVD 4100
- The Torch is Passed.
- SLATE is a student political party which was active at the University of California, Berkeley in the late 50's and early 60's. Former members, gathered for a 25th anniversary reunion, reflect on the party's values and actions. 30 min. Video/C 2276
- Two Days in October: A Moment That Divided a Nation, a War that Continues to Haunt Us
- Examines the critical events that took place in the fall of 1967, from the ambush of an American battalion by the Viet Cong that led to skepticism of whether the Vietnamese conflict was winnable, to the first violent anti-war demonstration on a campus in Wisconsin. Producer/director, Robert Kenner. Based on the book "They marched into sunlight" by David Maraniss. 2005. 90 min. DVD 4654
- Underground
- Directed by Emile De Antonio, Emile. The film introduces each member of the Weathermen Underground Organization in a group discussion/interview made on May 1st, 1975 in a secret location. The era of the 60's and 70's is vividly bought to life by interweaving the stories of the "Weathermen's " personal political development with the significant events and personalities of the two decades. 88 min. Video/C 3219
Iordanova, Dina. "Kusturica's 'Underground' (1995: Historical Allegory or Propaganda?" Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television v19, n1 (March, 1999):69. - U.C. Student Demonstrations, 1964
- Panel 1: Adrian Kragen, David Louisell, Scott Keech, Martin Roysher...[et al.]. (26 min.); Panel 2: Willie Brown, Albert Lipawsky, Marshall Krause ...[et al.] Taped response by Edmund G. Brown. Moderator: Cap Weinberger (26 min.). Pt. 3. Audience questions (21 min.).
Part 1 is a panel discussion between journalists, professors, and students concerning how the press has handled and interpretated the controversies surrounding the Free Speech Movement demonstrations at the University of California, Berkeley. In Part 2 a panel of professors, attorneys, students and state officials examine the role of the State of California as it responds to the issue. Concludes with panel members fielding questions from the audience. Originally shown on the KQED Television Program, Profile Bay Area. Video/C 5509 - Unpinned. (1965-1970). (The Century: America's Time; 11.)
- Riots and protests intensified in the U.S. as the war in Vietnam dragged on, with anti-war and civil rights activists seeking violent ways to agitate for peace and equality. This program presents the unrelenting rage that divided the nation during those perilous years, as the Watts race riots, the assissinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy, and the Kent State killings made headline news. 45 min. Video/C 6364
- We Who Believe in Freedom Cannot Rest: A History of the Berkeley Student Movement.
- History of the Berkeley student movement through photographs and narration. Video/C 1743
- The Weather Underground.
- This remarkable documentary traces the rise and fall of the Weathermen, a group of radical students, who, outaged by the Vietnam War and racism, tried to overthrow the U.S. government in the 1970's, bombing the Capitol building, breaking Timothy Leary out of prison, and evading one of the largest FBI manhunts in history. Here former members speak candidly about the idealistic passion that drove them to "bring the war home" and the trajectory that placed them on the FBI's most wanted list. A documentary by Sam Green and Bill Siegel. A production of the Free History Project, produced in association with KQED Public Television/San Francisco and ITVS. Special features: Filmmaker commentary from Sam Green ; commentary from original Weathermen Bernadine Dohrn & Bill Ayers ; original Weathermen audio communiques; exclusive bonus film about former Weatherman "David Gilbert : a lifetime of struggle" ; excerpts from Emile de Antonio's "Underground filmmaker biographies", featuring members of "The Weather Underground" ; interactive menus ; scene selection.2004. 93 min. DVD 3066; also DVD 2237 [does not have supplementary material]
- The Whole World is Watching: Weatherman '69..
- Group of 1989 Marxist revolutionaries who model themselves after the Weathermen plot revolution and hang out. Various members of the group sit around smoking joints, breaking record albums, and talking about Marxism, sex, politics, and sexual politics. 121 min. Video/C 3933
- Women for Peace.
- Covers the founding of the organization, Women For Peace, and many of the first peace demonstrations that it sponsored. Film covers 1961 and 1962 anti-nuclear demonstrations in California and Nevada and other activities of the group. 24 min. Video/C 2793
- Work in Progress: Berkeley in the Sixties.
- Newsreel clips of the Free Speech Movement and demonstrations, anti-draft demonstrations against the Vietnam War, and riots during the People's Park controversy at the University of California, Berkeley in the 1960s. Interviews with Mario Savio, Jack Weinberg, Jackie Goldberg, John Gage, Susan Griffin, Barbara Arnold (Jentri), Bobby Seale, Frank Bardacke. Contents: Free Speech Movement, Fall 1964 (7 min.) -- Stop the draft movement, October 1967 (7 min.) -- Peoples' Park, May 1969 (7 min.). Shown in connection with the opening of the Free Speech Movement Cafe, Moffitt Library, University of California, Berkeley on February 3, 2000. 21 min. Video/C 6838
- After Alcatraz: American Indian Uprisings, 2/4/99.(California Since the 60's Conference)
- American Indian population in the Bay Area / Susan Lobo (11 min.) -- Participation in the "outcast" of Alcatraz / Millie Ketchano, Edward Castillo (30 min.) -- The occupation of Alcatraz Island / Troy Johnson (24 min.) -- The filming of the documentary: The Indian occupation of Alcatraz / John Plutte (26 min.) -- Closing commentary by panel (8 min.) -- Reception honoring Alice Waters, Chez Panisse, 2/4/99 at the Bancroft Library (9 min.). A panel of American Indians comments on their personal experiences in the occupation of Alcatraz Island, the "relocation program" and urban Indians, the preservation of American Indian history through film and other means and the current situation of American Indians in California. 107 min. Video/C 5974
- Alcatraz Is Not an Island
- This program tells the story of the American Indian occupation of Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay which began in 1969 and lasted 19 months. The documentary interweaves archival footage and contemporary commentary to examine how this historic event altered American government Indian policy and programs, and how it forever changed the way Native Americans viewed themselves, their culture and their sovereign rights. c2002. 58 min. Video/C 9394
- Alcatraz, 30th Anniversary Celebration
- Introduction / Adam Fortunate Eagle -- Pomo Dancers and singers / Pat Lincoln, Doug Duncan, Lanny Pinola -- Opening commentary / Millie Ketchesawno, Richard Moves Camp -- Honor song for Alcatraz warriors / All Nations Northern Drum -- Guest speakers and speeches by veterans of the Alcatraz occupation / Dennis Banks, Dennis Jennings, Arigon Starr, John Whitefox, Tolo, Shashine Little Feather, Charlie Hill, Floyd Red Crow Westerman -- Music by Ulali.
Coverage of a 30th anniversary celebration of the occupation of Alcatraz Island by American Indian political activists, with commentary by participants who took part in the occupation in 1969 and current American Indian activists. Held on Alcatraz Island, California on October 23, 1999. Videographer, Harold Adler. 153 min. Video/C 6743 - All Power to the People!: the Black Panther Party and Beyond
- This powerful documentary provides the historical context for the establishment of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense in the mid-1960's. Government documents, rare news clips, interviews with ex-activists and FBI/CIA agents define the bloody conflict between political dissent and repressive government authority in the U.S. during the period of the 60s and the 70s. 1996. 115 min. Video/C 6523
- Anarchy U.S.A.
- Film originally produced in 1966. This radical anti-African American, anti-communist, anti-civil rights propaganda documentary was made shortly after the Watts riots. Employing newsreel footage this film traces the methods used by communists to take over China, Cuba and Algeria, and then attempts to demonstrate that the same tactics have been used by the U.S. civil rights movement. 78 min. Video/C 2962
- Angela Davis, keynote address, 2/4/99.(California Since the 60's Conference)
- Angela Davis comments on the social forces that cause so many Afro-Americans to spend time in prison and on the "anti-prison movement" which works for the reform of California prisons by bringing together political activists on the outside with prison inmates. 89 min. Video/C 5975
- Black Panther Party
- See Separate listing of resources in the Media Resources Center related to the Black Panther Party and various individuals in the Part
- Chicano!: The History of the Mexican American Civil Rights Movement.
- A four part series chronicling various aspects of the struggles for equal rights by Mexican Americans. Episode 1 examines the events at Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico, that sparked a national movement for social justice. It focuses on the 1967 struggle by Mexican Americans to regain ownership of New Mexico lands guaranteed them by the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and then visits the landmark Denver Youth Conference in 1969. The program concludes with the Chicano Moratorium March against the Vietnam War, held in East Los Angeles in 1970...an event that turned into a tragic riot resulting in the death of renowned journalist Ruben Salazar. 57 min. Video/C 4308
Chicano! Web site (via PBS) Goodman, Walter. "Chicano! History of the Mexican-American Civil Rights Movement." (television program reviews) New York Times v145 (Fri, April 12, 1996):B8(N), D18(L), col 4, 8 col in. - Chicago Riots.
- The catalyst for the Chicago rioting was an incident over black children trying to cool off at a fire hydrant. CBS News presents this special report, produced as the arson and looting raged that summer of 1966. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who was in the city trying to restore order, talks at length with Mike Wallace about the underlying causes and the ongoing dialogue with Chicago mayor Richard Daley and his administration. The program offers blow-by-blow coverage of the events as well as commentary from civic and religious leaders, witnesses, and law enforcement officials to provide a contemporary overview of a society on the verge of anarchy. Originally aired on the CBS Television Network on July 15, 1966. 31 min. Video/C 8994
- A Dream Deferred.
- A film originally produced by the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) for its southern voter registration drive in 1964, the year of the Mississippi summer. It contains interviews with activists, voter registrants and leaders, including the now famous speech by Fannie Lou Hamer. 33 min. Video/C 2799
- [Davis, Angela] A Conversation with Angela Davis.
- Interviewed by Rev. Cecil Davis. Video/C 2214
- A Day to Remember: August 28,1963.
- Focuses on the civil rights demonstration in Washington, D.C. led by Martin Luther King. 29 min. Video/C 581
- Decision in the Streets.
- Covers the tumultuous beginnings of the Bay Area civil rights and peace movements from 1960 to 1965. Segments include 1960's anti-House Un-American Activities Committee demonstrations; Hands-Off-Cuba demonstrations in 1962 and 1963; the 1963 march protesting the Birmingham church bombings; mass arrests of protesters sitting in at the Sheraton Palace Hotel over racist hiring practices; the 1964 anti-Goldwater Republican convention protests; the Free Speech Movement at Berkeley, California and more. 35 min. Video/C 2795
- El-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz (Malcolm X)
- Focuses on the qualities and characteristics that predicated Malcolm X's rise as a leader and spokesman of the Black America Movement. 56 min. Video/C 998
- Eyes on the Prize: America's Civil Rights Years.
- A comprehensive history of the people, the stories, the events, and the issues of the civil rights struggle in America. Presents behind-the-scenes insights into such major events as the Montgomery bus boycott, the March on Washington, and the march from Selma to Montgomery. 6 parts. Video/C 971:1-6. (60 min ea).
- Eyes on the Prize II: America at the Racial Crossroads.
- 8 parts. Video/C 1652:1-8 (60 min. ea.)
- Filibuster: Birth Struggle of a Law (CBS Reports)
- Examines the stormy passage of Civil Rights Bill H.R. 7152 through the House of Representatives. Filmed in 1964, it begins with a report on the controversial bill's history, from its introduction by John F. Kennedy to the eve of its debate on the Senate Floor. Following that report, Eric Sevareid moderates as Senators Hubert Humphrey and Strom Thurmon engage in a live television debate on the bill's merits. Film footage of John and Robert Kennedy, Justice Dept. officials Nicholas Katzenbach and Burke Marshall, President Lyndon Johnson and the racial clashes of the early 60s captures the tensions that surrounded this most comprehensive civil righs law since Reconstruction. Originally aired on the CBS Television Network on March 18, 1964. 55 min. Video/C 8909
- Freedom March.
- This film features the San Francisco civil rights protest march of May 26, 1963, sponsored by Bay Area black churches and the labor movement in the shocked aftermath of the Birmingham, Alabama bombing of a black church, killing five children. The film shows the march down Market Street and the rally with speakers at the Civic Center. 10 min. Video/C 2798
- Freedom on My Mind.
- Produced and directed by Connie Field and Marilyn Mulford. Documentary of the civil rights movement and the events surrounding the Mississippi Voter Registration Project of the early 1960's. Combines archival footage with contemporary interviews. 110 min. Video/C 3566
Media Review Digest (UCB users only) - In Remembrance of Martin.
- A documentary honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Includes archival footage, the "I Have a Dream" speech, and a synopsis of key civil rights decisions of the 1950's and 1960's. 60 min. Video/C 2761
- Kennedy v. Wallace: A Crisis Up Close.
- A film originally made in 1963 of President John F. Kennedy and the governor of Alabama, George Wallace, during the confrontation over desegregation of Alabama schools. Re-edited to include thoughts of U.S. Attorney General, Nicholas Katzenbach. 60 min. Video/C 2876
- King: A Filmed Record, Montgomery to Memphis.
- A chronicle of the struggle for racial equality and justice from 1955 to 1968 through newsreel and television coverage. Video/C 986 (104 min)
- Malcolm X (1992)
- Directed by Spike Lee. Starring Denzel Washington, Angela Bassett, Albert Hall, Al Freeman. Screen version of the life of Malcolm X, who through his religious conversion to Islam, found the strength to rise up from a criminal past to become an influential civil rights leader. 201 min. Video/C 999:769
Movie Review Query Engine See separate bibliography of articles/reviews on "Malcolm X" - Malcolm X: Militant Black Leader.
- Adapted from the book of the same title by Jack Rummel. 30 min. Video/C 2575
- Malcolm X: Nationalist or Humanist?
- This film includes newsreel footage of several of his most important speeches, as well as events leading up to and following his assassination. An on-camera interview with Malcom's widow, Betty Shabazz, filmed shortly after her husband's death, is the moving backdrop for this brief but powerful documentary. 14 min.Video/C 2791
- Martin Luther King.
- In an interview with Gerild Priestland, Martin Luther King expresses his feelings, hopes, philosophy and religious convictions. 30 min. Video/C 9
- On the Front Lines: Television and African-American Issues.
- Panelists explore issues from the 1950s and 1960s and how television news has interpreted various racial issues and such divisive events as the Rodney King verdict and the confirmation of Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas. Presented at the Museum of Television and Radio, Los Angeles, California on November 7, 2001. 93 min. Video/C 8496
- On Strike! Ethnic Studies, 1969-1999
- A historical presentation of the struggle to create and maintain a Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of California Berkeley. Includes interviews with participants in the 1969 demonstrations when the program was first established, with the 1999 demonstrators when the funding for the program was threatened and with Ethnic Studies faculty at U.C.B. Directed and produced by Irum Shiekh. 1999. 36 min. Video/C 6521
- The Other Face of Dixie (CBS Reports)
- Correspondent Harry Reasoner visits four cities in this 1962 program to examine progress in school integration: Clinton, Tennessee; Norfolk, Virginia; Atlanta, Georgia; and Little Rock, Arkansas. Along with Atlanta governor S. Ernest Vandiver and journalists Ralph McGill and Lenoir Chambers, Reasoner talks with students at Little Rock Central High School, their school board president and Arkansas governor Orval Faubus.Originally aired on the CBS Television Network on October 24, 1962. 54 min. Video/C 8908
- Poisoned Dreams. (1960-1964). (The Century: America's Time; 10)
- Beset by both international and domestic pressures, America during the Camelot years was swiftly approaching a political-cultural meltdown. This program documents U.S.-Soviet conflicts of interest in Cuba and Vietnam and the growing polarization at home between civil rights activists and segregationist hard-liners, which resulted in the Birmingham riots and the freedom march on Washington, D.C. 43 min. Video/C 6363
- Red Power: Thirty Years of American Indian Activism in the San Francisco Bay Area.
- Contents: Opening ceremonies / Angela A. Gonzales, Robert A. Corrigan, Gerald West -- Keynote address / LaNada Boyer -- Panel: Student activism: looking back, looking forward / Moderator: Deron Marquez. Panel members: Dennis Acosta, Luis Kemnitzer, Mickey Gemmill, Steve Talbot -- Panel: The Urban Indian community: past, present and future / Moderator: Reyna Ramirez. Panel members: Marilyn St. Germaine, Susan Lobo, Shirley Guevara, Mary Jean Robertson -- Panel: Alcatraz Island: reclaiming Indian land / Moderator: Craig Glassner. Panel members: Millie Ketchesawno, Troy Johnson, Gerald R. Hill, Jonathan Lucero -- Closing remarks / Michelle Maas, Elizabeth Parent.
A symposium on American Indian activism in the San Francisco Bay Area. Panel discussions focus on the social, cultural and political events that led to the occupation of Alcatraz Island, the pivotal role of the urban American Indian community in the Bay Area, and the work of American Indian student activists in creating the Department of American Indian Studies at San Francisco State University. Held in the Nob Hill Room, Seven Hills Conference Center, San Francisco State University on November 19, 1999. 7 hrs., 15 min.Video/C 6744 - Requiem-- 29.
- This riveting film documents the chilling inhuman treatment of 50,000 Chicanos by police and the death of L.A. Times journalist Ruben Salazar at the Chicano National Moratorium in Los Angeles on August 29, 1970. Film includes footage of the mass march, police tactics used to disorganize and disperse the demonstrators, scenes from the inquest hearing into the death of Ruben Salazar and interviews with then "La Raza" editor, Raul Ruiz. 31 min. Video/C 5137
- San Francisco State On Strike.
- Documentary film of a five month long strike in the Fall of 1968 at San Francisco State College in which the Third World Liberation Front mobilized students to call for "the power to change the racist nature of eduction" and to demand the establishment of a Black Studies Department at the college. 1969. 20 min. DVD 3044; also VHS Video/C 4132
- San Francisco State Strike.
- Documents the 1969 strike at San Francisco State College led by minority students and later joined by the teachers' union. Video/C 1929
- Los Siete de la Raza
- Newsreel footage of interviews with Mexican American immigrants to the Mission District of San Francisco in which they express their social and economic struggles and the discrimination they experience. Film examines the creation of Los Siete de la Raza, a self-help political organization organized to fight for the rights of "Brown people." Originally produced in the 1960s. 30 min. Video/C 5856
- Twenty Years After: The Third World Strike.
- Original footage from the Third world strike and a discussion on what happened, why it happened, and what has happened since, with Carlos Munoz, Jr., Anthony Garcia, Octavio Romano V, Troy Duster. DVD 1188; also VHS Video/C 1403
- We'll Never Turn Back.
- 1963 documentary shot by Harvey Richards includes segments on Julian Bond, Bob Moses, Fannie Lou Hamer and other civil rights leaders. Interviews black farmers and share croppers about their experiences trying to register to vote. 33 min. Video/C 2792
- Who speaks for the South? (CBS Report)
- The court order integrating Georgia public schools conflicted with the state constitution, prompting muchdebate regarding state's rights. In this 1960 news special Edward R. Murrow reports on the issue of racial segregation in the state's schools, focusing on the proceedings of the School Study Committee, a public forum in which residents of Georgia's ten Congressional districts voiced their opinions presenting a wide and sometimes ominous range of views. Murrow also interviews the Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Ralph McGill, Atlanta's mayor William Hartsfield and Georgia Governor S. Ernest Vandiver. Originally aired on the CBS Television Network on May 27, 1960. 56 min. Video/C 8907
Gay/Lesbian/Transgender videography - Before Stonewall: The Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community.
- A social history of homosexuality in America from the 1920s to 1969, showing how this group has moved from a secret shame to the status of a publicly viable minority group. Tells how a group consciousness coalesced after the 1969 police raid on Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York City, and the three-day riot that followed gained them national publicity and the birth of the gay movement. 87 min. Video/C 1461
- Forbidden Love: The Unashamed Stories of Lesbian Lives.
- Recounts the experiences of Canadian lesbian women in the 1950's and 1960's who sought romance in gay beer parlours and bars. Their stories are interwoven with a fictional love story and set against the tabloids and pulp novels of the time and illustrate the stereotypes and intolerance they faced. 86 min. 1992. Video/C 3206
Links to full-text reviews (via Movie Query Engine at Telerama) Video Librarian ABC-CLIO Video Rating Guide for Libraries - Last Call at Maud's.
- A look at the world's longest running lesbian bar, Maud's in San Francisco. Film interweaves rare archive film of the gay bar scene in the 1940's, the vice raids of the 1950's, the gay counter culture of the 1960's and "coming out" in the 1970's up until the bar closed its doors in 1989. 1993. 77 min. Video/C 3184
Video Librarian Leonardi, Patricia. "Last Call at Maud's." Cineaste v20, n1 (Wntr, 1993):46 (2 pages). - A Litany for Survival: The Life and Work of Audre Lorde
- Audre Lorde, poet and lesbian-feminist talks about being lesbian and black in New York in the 1950s and her social/political activity. Includes conversations and readings by Lorde and comments by other writers and family members. 1996. 56 min. Video/C 5667
American Library Assn. Video Round Table Notable Videos for Adults Media Review Digest (UCB users only) - The Question of Equality: Gay and Lesbian Struggle Since Stonewall.
- Contents: pt. 1. Out Rage '69 / produced, directed, and written by Arthur Dong -- pt. 2. Culture Wars / produced, directed, and edited by Tina DiFeliciantonio & Jane C. Wagner -- pt. 3. Hollow Liberty / directed by Robyn Hutt; produced by Robyn Hutt & Bennett Singer -- pt. 4. Generation "Q" / produced & directed by Robert Byrd. Using a mix of rarely seen archival footage, live action sequences, and personal interviews, this film series presents a comprehensive view of the gay liberation movement in the United States. 4 videocassettes (ca. 55 min. each) Video/C 4365
Based on the book "Question of Equality" ( UCB Law Lib KF4754.5 .Q47 1995; UCB Main HQ76.8.U5 Q47 1995; UCB Moffitt HQ76.8.U5 Q47 1995) Glaser, Garrett. "The Question of Equality."(television program reviews) Advocate, n691 (Oct 3, 1995):61 (2 pages). Goodman, Walter. "The Question of Equality."(television program reviews) New York Times v145 (Sat, Nov 4, 1995):13(N), 52(L), col 1, 17 col in. Scott, Tony. "The Question of Equality."(television program reviews) Variety v360, n9 (Oct 2, 1995):88.
For documentaries about the US presidency and US politics of the 1960s and 1970s, SEE US Politics & Government videography For movie biographies of John Kennedy and Richard Nixon, SEE Biopic videography
Peace and Conflict videography - At the Brink(War and Peace in the Nuclear Age; 5).
- The events that led to the Cuban missile crisis (1962) and the tense cat-and-mouse confrontation between Kennedy and Khrushchev are explored. 60 min. Video/C 1285
- The Atom and Eve
- This vintage piece of pro-nuclear propaganda was designed as a marketing tool to sell nuclear energy to the American public. The viewer is introduced to Eve as a baby and a growing girl and finally as a woman (who dances through the film) in parallel to growing needs of millions of eves for more and more electricity. Also makes a case for building an investor-owned nuclear power plant in Connecticut to meet the region's power needs. 1966. 15 min. Video/C 8024
- The Atomic Cafe
- A documentary exploration of the United States government's propaganda promoting the atomic bomb. Relies on film clips of the 1940's and 1950's, including bits and pieces of propoganda films, newsreels, popular songs, and defense training films. Includes such issues as bomb shelters, atomic fallout and teaching children to "duck and cover." 1982. 92 min. DVD 1133; Video/C 1025
- See Also: Public Shelter
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database 
Public Shelter web site - Cuban Missile Crisis Tapes.
- An analysis of the debates and strategies discussed by Kennedy and his closest advisers during the Cuban Missile Crisis taken from the recently released audio tapes from the Kennedy Library. Commentary by Robert McNamara. Originally broadcast on the television program Nightline, on October 24, 1996. 23 min. Video/C 5948
- Kennedy's Cold War: Keeping the Commies Covered
- This film is a 1963 Pentagon Report, recently declassified, detailing the efforts of the United States to combat communism worldwide, both covertly and militarily. The film is unusually frank about geo-political situations in Vietnam, Africa, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, Cuba, and around the globe. Each global situation is discussed, states the U.S. goal, and the proposed solutions from an American point of view. Twenty-five years later, hindsight reveals that the facts were incorrect or distorted, and the policies flawed accordingly. The 1963 Pentagon Report is an object lesson in the facts being arranged to fit the conclusion. 39 min. Video/C 5750
- Poisoned Dreams. (1960-1964). (The Century: America's Time; 10)
- Beset by both international and domestic pressures, America during the Camelot years was swiftly approaching a political-cultural meltdown. This program documents U.S.-Soviet conflicts of interest in Cuba and Vietnam and the growing polarization at home between civil rights activists and segregationist hard-liners, which resulted in the Birmingham riots and the freedom march on Washington, D.C. 43 min. Video/C 6363
- Prague Spring
- In 1968 Alexander Dubcek's attempt to liberalize Communist rule in Czechoslovakia and to create "socialism with a human face" resulted in Soviet tanks in the streets of Prague. This program presents both the political detente behind Brezhnev's position and the dissent that was silenced within the Warsaw Pact alliance. Extensive archival footage and contemporary interviews provide insights that reveal the dissent within the Eastern Bloc countries in the 1960's. 29 min. Video/C 6192
- Public Shelter.
- This CD-ROM inspired by Jayne Loader's The Atomic Cafe, contains 30 min. of video, 400 photographs, 18 original songs, 12 hours of audio and 1500 text files all pertaining to atomic weapons and energy, from the Trinity test to the present. Most of the documents have been recently declassified by the U.S. government and deal with nuclear accidents, nuclear waste, atomic testing and government-sponsored radiation experiments on humans. Also includes apocalyptic science fiction by Vonda McIntyre, Mary Rosenblum, John Stith, Joe Haldeman, David Brin and scenes from J. Loader's The Atomic Cafe. Compu/D 304
Public Shelter web site - Red Spring, The Sixties.(The Cold War series)
- In the Soviet bloc, communist rule stifles ambition and achievement. Soviet defense expenditure cripples economic growth. The young lust for totems of America's youth culture--blue jeans and rock-n-roll. In Czechoslovakia, Dubcek attempts limited reform, but in 1968, Soviet force crushes the Prague Spring. 47 min. Video/C 5739 (See MRC East/West Europe videography for complete series listing)
- American Art in the Sixties
- During the critical decade of the 1960s in America an explosion of artistic energy produced pop art, minimalism, color-field painting and hard-edged abstraction. Sculptors and painters on both coasts explored new methods and new subject matter. This documentary examines the key figures of that decade with emphasis on Robert Rauschenberg and Jasper Johns, two crucial transitional figures between abstract expressionism and the sensibilities of the new decade. c2000. 60 min. Video/C 9103
Popular Culture videography - The Beatles Anthology.
Part 1: First program in an 8 part anthology of the Beatles singing group using archival footage and interviews to tell their story between July, 1940 and March, 1963. Follows the Beatles from their childhoods in Hamburg and Liverpool until they form the first group made up of McCartney, Harrison, Lennon, and drummer, Pete Best. They find a manager, Brian Epstein, and a producer, George Martin of EMI Records. In 1962 Ringo Starr replaces drummer Pete Best. Film examines how the rapidly developing group were influenced by American rock n' roll and rhythm 'n blues and concludes with the success of their first number One hit record in Britain. 79 min. Part 2: Follows the Beatles from the Cavern Club in Liverpool to London where they play the Palladium, the Royal Albert Hall, the Royal Variety Show and the Morecambe and Wise Show. Along the way they give a spare hit to the Rolling Stones, play hundreds of concerts in Britain, nip over to Sweden and record "I want to hold your hand" (their 4th British number one in a year) and while they're conquering Paris the record goes to number one in America. 72 min. Part 3: Opens with the Beatles first tour of America and their two appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show. The crowd scenes of frantic fans are particularly impressive as they travel from New York to Washington D.C. to Miami. On February 22, 1964 they return to London to film their first motion picture "A hard days night". After the publication of John Lennon's book "In their own write", they take off again this time for a tour to Holland, Hong Kong and Australia. 73 min. Part 4: The Beatles take their second sweep through the U.S., drawing tens of thousands of fans. In 1965 their second motion picture "Help!" is released. McCartney works up a single "Yesterday" and the Beatles are honored by receiving medals from the Queen. Life is still fun for the irrepressible quartet, albeit with a strand of stress now slicing through it. 71 min. Part 5: This archive of performances begins with the beatles appearance in Shea stadium, New York and moves through the American tour from August 13-September 1 with never before assembled sights, words, music and sounds. The dentist slips John and George LSD and the Indian Sitar begins to be incorporated into their music. They begin to dream of "the yellow submarine" and create a promotion film to fulfill the many requests for television appearances. The four are confident and assured in this episode, everything has come together until a bad day in Manila makes it seem that things are about to change. 72 min. Part 6: Film commences with the rejection of the Beatles by the fans in Manilla. They return to England and retire from touring and go into the studio which brings an amazed world the mighty wirligig of "Sgt. Pepper", "Penny Lane" and "Strawberry fields" on screen in surreal and glorious color. They sing "Baby you're a rich man" and they are. Part 7: Film opens with the first around the world satellite hookup which was created for the concert in which the Beatles release "All you need is love". It covers their disillusionment with the Haight Ashbury (San Francisco's hippieville), and the death of their long time agent, Brian Epstein. They meet with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi who initiates them into transcendental meditation and work out the TV film, the Magical Mystery Tour. They open their own bookstore in London (The Apple Shop) and create Apple Corps, their own company, formed to "mix business with pleasure." 71 min. Part 8: The final program in an 8 part anthology of the Beatles singing group using archival footage and interviews to tell their story between July, 1968 to 1970. The film reveals the rents and splits that ended their 60's life together. The Beatles work their way through two weddings, two busts, the closing of their Apple Shop, and the rooftop concert. Erik Clapton joins them and they pick up Allen Klein as their new business manager. Through it all the Beatles have survived their success and their music remains timeless and supreme against all comers. Paul, George and Ringo can still sit around a table and relive the 20th century's greatest romance. 81 min. - The Beatles: The First U.S. Visit
- Documentary filming team, David Maysles, Albert Maysles; editor, Kathy Dougherty. A day-by-day audio visual account of the group's first tour in the United States, including the Ed Sullivan appearances. Between the thirteen performances, the viewer joins the Beatles in their limos, hotel rooms and on their trips from New York to Washington, D.C. to Miami, Florida. Contents: The arrival, February 7, 1964 -- All my loving -- Till there was you -- She loves you -- I wanna hold your hand -- I saw her standing there -- I wanna be your man -- She loves you -- From me to you -- This boy -- All my loving -- Twist and shout -- Please, please me -- I wanna hold your hand -- The departure, February 21, 1964 -- It won't be long. Includes documentary The making of the Beatles first U.S. visit (51 min.); commentary by Alfred Maysles. 2003. ca. 81 min. DVD 2284
- The Best of Gil Scott-Heron. [sound recording]
- The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (3:05) -- The Bottle (3:58) -- Winter in America (6:09) -- Johannesburg (4:47) -- Ain't No Such Thing as Superman (4:13) -- Re-Ron (6:42) -- Shut Em Down (5:12) -- Angel Dust (4:10) -- "B Movie" (6:51). Sound/D 11
- Commercials of the 50's and 60's.
- Video/C 3932. 46 tapes. See MRC TV videography
- Blank Generation; Dancing Barefoot.
- Performers: Patti Smith Group, Television, Ramones, Talking Heads, Tuff Darts, Wayne County, Blondie, Harry Toledo, Marbles, Miamis, Shirts, Dolls, Heartbreakers. Blank Generation tells the story of punk music in New York City in the mid-70s and documents the moment in musical history when diversity blossomed. Witness the real performances of these bands, plus their backstage footage, photo shoots and hanging out. Dancing Barefoot traces the musical journey of Ivan Kral (the Patti Smith Group). Through the early days in Prague, to the late 70's in New York City, up to present day Seattle, Ivan has played his way through rough times and changing environments. [2000?] DVD 901
- The Cockettes
- This engaging tribute looks at the rise and fall of a San Francisco theatrical troupe called The Cockettes between the years 1969 and 1972. The sensation of the hippie movement in San Francisco, they were described as "hippie and freak drag queens," people who were allowed to live at the end of their imaginations. Uses interviews and vintage footage to revisit this lost corner of recent cultural history. Directed by Bill Weber and David Weissman, 2001. 100 min. DVD 222
- A Decade Under the Influence
- The 1970s was an extraordinary time of rebellion as political activism, the sexual revolution, the women's movement and the music revolution contributed to social unrest. A new generation of filmmakers,galvanized by a new freedom of expression began targeting their films toward a new audience, withstories that reflected the reality of the era. Here a cast of pioneering writers, directors, producers and actors talk about the 70's, their films and their colleagues. Includes commentary from Robert Altman, John Avildsen, Peter Bogdanovich, Ellen Burstyn, John Calley, John Cassavetes, Julie Christie,Francis Ford Coppola, Roger Corman, Bruce Dern, Clint Eastwood, Milos Forman, William Friedkin, Pam Grier,Dennis Hopper, Sidney Lumet, Paul Mazursky, Mike Medavoy, Polly Platt, Sydney Pollack, Jerry Schatzberg,Roy Scheider, Martin Scorsese, Sissy Spacek, Robert Towne, Jon Voight. 180 min. DVD 2129
- Don't Look Back (1967)
- Credits: Producers, Albert Grossman, John Court ; director, D.A. Pennebaker. Performers: Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Donovan, Alan Price, Albert Grossman, Bob Neuwirth, Tito Burns, Derroll Adams. This film is about the sixties and Bob Dylan who is shown to be more than just a folk singer and a song writer. Pennebaker filmed Dylan during his 1965 English tour, catching him in private moments as well as public performances. 1965 90 min. DVD 447; VHS Video/C 3122
Information about this film from the Internet Movie Database - Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex-Drugs-and-Rock 'n' Roll Generation Saved Hollywood
- A documentary of Peter Biskind's controversial, best-selling book, which chronicles edgy, impressionistic pictures made by maverick, now-legendary directors such as Scorsese, Coppola, Lucas, Altman, Polanski and Peckinpah. Includes interviews with many directors, writers, actors, etc. Based on the book by Peter Biskind (Main Stack PN1998.2.B56 1998; Moffitt PN1998.2.B56 1998). 2004. 118 min. DVD 2763
- An Evening with Ed Sanders: and a Special Set by the Fugs.
- Ed Sanders who pioneered poetry readings accompanied by music, performs his and others' poetry and music, with the Fugs' tribute to Abbie Hoffman. Contents: St. Marks Poetry Project: Maximus (from Dogtown I) / poetry, Charles Olson; music, Ed Sanders -- The air in the hawk's lung measures our life / poetry and music, Ed Sanders -- Equal to the gods / poetry, Sappho; music, Ed Sanders; arrangement, Steven Taylor (lead vocal, Ed Sanders; vocal, guitar, Steven Taylor; soprano, Ann Hamson) -- NY Beat Conference: With fortune and men's eyes / poetry, William Blake; music, Ed Sanders; The great Goethe / poetry, Ed Sanders -- The Fugs' tribute to Abbie Hoffman: Sunflower; Weary of time; Nothing; Song for Abbie; Protest and survive (for Tom Payne) / Ed Sanders, Tuli Kupferberg, Steven Taylor. 1989. 38 min. Video/C 9457
- An Evening with Ed Sanders: and a Special Set by the Fugs. Vol. 2
- Summary: Sanders performs his and others' poetry and music, with the Fugs, including "requiems" in honor of Allen Ginsberg and Harry Smith. He was one of my heroes, requiem for Allen Ginsberg / words and music, Ed Sanders -- Carpe diem, requiem for Harry Smith / words and music, The Fugs, Ed Sanders, Tuli Kupferberg, Steven Taylor -- Morning morning / words and music, Tuli Kupferberg -- Hymn to the rebel cafe / words and music Ed Sanders -- Song for generation x / words and music, Ed Sanders -- Rimbaud (after Kerouac) / words and music, Ed Sanders. 1992-2002. 50 min. Video/C 9458
- Festival Express
- Performers: The Band, Delaney & Bonnie & Friends ; Flying Burrito Brothers ; Grateful Dead ; Buddy Guy Blues Band ; Ian & Sylvia & the Great Speckled Bird ; Janis Joplin Mashmakhan ; Sha Na Na. In 1970, such names as Janis Joplin, The Band, and The Grateful Dead traveled by a customized train for five days to Toronto, Calgary, and Winnipeg for a mega-concert at each stop. This experience was filmed and some footage was locked away, until now. A film by Bob Smeaton. Originally filmed in 1970. 89 min. DVD 3139
- [General Electric Theater] Where Were You in '62? .
- I've got a Secret (28 min.) -- Ozzie and Harriet Show: Spring housecleaning (28 min.) -- General Electric Theater: The face is familiar (30 min.) -- Have Gun will travel (28 min.) -- Jimmy Durante Sign-off (2 min.) -- Advertisements for Walt Disney Cartoons (5 min.). Includes full length commercials for Winston cigarettes, Hotpoint appliances, Tareyton cigarettes, Old Gold cigarettes and Walt Disney cartoons. 121 min. Video/C 4760
- Gimme Shelter.
- A documentary of the Rolling Stones' 1969 tour of the United States, focusing on a free concert at the Altamont Speedway in California where a young man was killed during violence between the crowd and the Hell's Angels hired to "keep order." Includes performances by Ike and Tina Turner, the Flying Burrito Bros., and the Jefferson Airplane. Contents: The Rolling Stones: Jumping Jack Flash -- (I can't get no) Satisfaction -- You Gotta Move -- Wild Horses -- Brown sugar -- Love in Vain. Tina Turner: I've Been Loving You Too Long. The Rolling Stones: Honky Tonk Women -- Street Fighting Man. The Flying Burrito Bros.: Six Days on the Road. Jefferson Airplane: The Other Side of This Life. The Rolling Stones: Sympathy for the Devil -- Under My Thumb -- Street Fighting Man -- Gimme Shelter. 90 min. DVD 394; Video/C 4690
- Have You Heard of the San Francisco Mime Troupe?
- Interviews with members of the San Francisco Mime Troupe, a satirical political street theater which began in the 60's, interspersed with footage from the troupe's performances. Producers/directors, Don Lenzer, Fred Wardenburg. 1967 51 min. DVD 3987 (preservation copy); also VHS Video/C 7145
- History of Rock 'n' Roll.
- 1995. 10 videocassette ca. 60 min. each. Video/C 3939-3949. See particularly the following installments:
Britain Invades, America Fights Back. Tells the story of rock's renaissance between 1964 and 1966 as British rock groups became popular in the U.S. Includes footage of the Beatles in 1963, the Rolling Stones, the Kinks, and The Who, scarcely out of their teens. Jolted by the competition from Britain, American rock musicians rose to the occasion, fighting back with music that was original, energetic and in tune with a decade of change. Video/C 3941 Plugging In. Recounts how rock music began to re-invent itself in the mid-60's when Bob Dylan played at the Newport Folk Festival in 1965. Musical experimentation exploded with such innovators as The Byrds, The Mama's and the Papa's, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Janis Joplin and others. Video/C 3942 My Generation. Rock musicians performing in the midst of war that was tearing America apart, set the tone for the counterculture. Included in this segment are rare footage of the underground bands of the Haight Ashbury to classic performances from Woodstock. When the era ended, it was with a grisly bang as drugs killed some of rock n' roll's biggest names. Video/C 3944 Have a Nice Decade. In the early '50's blues, gospel, jazz and boggie woggie music all began to fuse into a new sound. This film examines the key players in the beginning years of rock 'n roll, including early rock n' roll performances and interviews with rock musicians. Performers: Jimmy Page, Robert Plant (Led Zeppelin), Steely Dan, David Gilmour (Pink Floyd), Lindsey Buckingham (Fleetwood Mac), David Bowie, Peter Frampton, Bruce Springsteen, Pete Townshend (The Who), George Clinton, Duane Allman, Stevie Wonder, Bob Marley, The Wailers. DVD 2784; also VHS Video/C 3946 Punk. Film documents how punk used short and simple songs to reclaim rock and roll. We discover the genre's roots in the streetwise bohemianism of the Velvet Underground, the deliberate ugliness of Iggy Pop and the campy amateurism of the New York Dolls. We follow the meteoric rise of "punk" and its fall in England. Shortlived though the punk movement was, it opened rock up to a new wave of rock artists. Performers: Malcolm McLaren (Sex Pistols), Velvet Underground, Iggy Pop, New York Dolls, the Ramones, Richard Hell, the Talking Heads, Patti Smith, Elvis Costello, Nirvana. DVD 2784; also VHS Video/C 3947  Rock 'n' Roll series
- Hullabaloo: A 1960s Music Flashback.
- Performers: The Animals, Frankie Avalon, Chuck Berry, The Byrds, The Cyrkle, Sammy Davis Jr., The Four Seasons, Martha & the Vandellas, Gary Lewis & the Playboys, Marvin Gaye, Lesley Gore, Herman's Hermits, The Mamas & the Papas, Barry McGuire, The Moody Blues, Paul Revere & the Raiders, Peter & Gordon, Nancy Sinatra, Sonny & Cher, Dusty Springfield, The Supremes, Dionne Warwick, Paul Anka, Michael Landon, Trini Lopez.
Seven television episodes along with 18 bonus performances from one of the most popular music series of the '60s, Hullabaloo. Spotlighted are some of the biggest hits and artists of the period. Each show is hosted by a guest celebrity. 255 min. DVD 367 - Jimi Plays Berkeley.
- Jimi Hendrix in concert. 55 min. Video/C 3504
- Jimi Plays Monterey: As Remembered byJohn Phillips.
- A film by by D.D. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus. Contents: Can you see me (2:3) -- Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band (1:36) -- Wild thing (1:06) -- Monterey (2:06) -- Killing floor (3:01) -- Foxy lady (2:54) -- Like a rolling stone (8:24) -- Rock me baby (3:01) -- Hey Joe (3:48) -- The wind cries Mary (3:06) -- Wild thing (7:48) -- Purple Haze (3:02).49 min. Video/C 5019
- Living Theatre
Emergency. - In 1968 the experimental film troupe, Living Theatre, returned to America with a repertory of four new productions developed during their years of self-imposed exile in Europe. Their triumphant tour was in tune with the revolutionary aspirations of the late sixties, documented in this extraordinary film. 29 min. Video/C 2988
The Connection.(1961) - Filmed version of a play with the same title by Jack Gelber. Based on the Living Theatre production created in 1961, as directed by Judith Malina and designed by Julian Beck. Film version of the play The Connection, by Jack Gelber. The play is about drug addicts waiting for a heroin dealer to bring the drug necessary for them to make their "connection." To help pass the time, four jazz musicians among the addicts start to play. The film was shot in a drug addict's apartment in New York City. 105 min. Video/C 999:893
Paradise Now. - An experimental film in which lines between political action, psychotherapy, tribal ritual and experimental theater are blurred to create a tale of social and esthetic breakthrough. 105 min. Video/C 2986
Signals Through the Flames. - Documentary on the Living Theater. 97 min. Video/C 1438
- Lenny Bruce
Lenny Bruce - Christians & Jews (17 min.) -- Soundtrack from "The Lenny Bruce performance film" (59 min.). Sound/D 3
Lenny Bruce: Let the Buyer Beware[sound recording] - Contents: Disc 1. When the good road is closed, the bad road will never be open -- Disc 2. I wanna pour gas on you! -- Disc 3. Ben Webster is Jewish -- Disc 4. I wouldn't work this shithouse town for fifteen million dollars -- Disc 5. You better bring your toothbrush -- Disc 6. Sign a release? I didn't do my fag at the ballgame bit yet.
Compilation on six sound discs of approx. 120 monologues by the controversial comedian Lenny Bruce with accompanying book by the same title. Book includes biographical information including a chronology of life events, photographs of performances, and a detailed description of disc contents. 460 min. Sound/D 177 The Lenny Bruce Originals. Volume 2 [sound recording] - White collar drunks -- The defiant ones (with Eric Miller) -- The phone company -- The Steve Allen show -- Esther Costello story -- Bronchitis -- My trip to Miami -- The tribunal -- The Palladium -- Our governors -- Lima, Ohio -- Airplane glue -- Shelly Berman/Chicago/Nightclub owners -- How to relax your colored friends at parties -- The lost boy -- Marriage, divorce and motels -- Don's big dago -- Commercials.(Berkeley, CA: Fantasy, 1991, c1959) 77 min. Sound/D 12
To Is a Preposition: Come Is a Verb [sound recording] - To come -- I just do it and that's all -- Hubert's museum -- The perverse act -- Tits and ass -- Completely exposed -- A pretty bizarre show -- Blah, blah, blah -- Dirty toilet -- Would you sell out your country -- A white white woman and a black black woman. 1969. Sound/D 82
The Lenny Bruce Performance Film - One of Lenny Bruce's last nightclub performances, and an off-color animated short, "Thank You Mask Man," a parody on the Lone Ranger saga created by Bruce. August, 1965 tape of a performance in San Francisco, California. 67 min. DVD 5009; vhs Video/C 2903
Lenny Bruce Without Tears - Documentary about comedian Lenny Bruce, who died in 1966. In his personal life he was a tortured soul, and his humor was ahead of the times, but his influence was enormous. He attacked hypocrisy, racism, war and organized religion, and was rewarded by being hounded by the police. Featuring: Lenny Bruce, Steve Allen, Paul Krassner, Mort Sahl, Kenneth Tynan, Nat Hentoff, Malcolm Muggeridge. 75 min. Video/C 4492
Live at the Curran Theater - Recorded live in San Francisco, Nov. 19, 1961. In which the artist discusses critics, definitions, his San Francisco bust, courts, juries, cops, his Philadelphia bust, corruption, obscenity, and defines Jewish and goyishe (24:18) -- In which the artist discusses "The Lie," his courtroom fantasy, George Shearing and guide dogs for the blind, Tropic of Cancer, cops and bad toilet training, and describes the Philadelphia hotel room raid (24:54) -- In which the artist describes his ride to jail in Philadelphia, jails in general, and Philadelphia lower courts (24:30) -- In which the artist fantasizes about the Shirley Beck letters and discusses blue suits, Bobby Kennedy, Russians, integration, juries, and humor (24:00) -- In which the artist recounts his fantasy with the judge, discusses Las Vegas, the paradox of obscenity, tits and ass, nuns, Paul Robeson, and Adolph Eichmann (23:55) -- In which the artist continues with the Eichmann theme, the Thomas Merton poem, Christ and Moses, legalization of pot, hillbillies, and ends with Judy Garland's farewell (24:03). Sound/D 116
- The Misfits: 30 years of Fluxus.
- Film portrays a group of artists (Eric Andersen, Philip Corner, Henry Flynt, Ken Friedman,Jon Hendricks, Dick Higgins, Alison Knowles, JacksonMac Low, Jonas Mekas, Yoko Ono, Nam June Paik, Ben Patterson, Willem De Ridder, Ben Vautier, EmmettWilliams, La Monte Young) who since the early can be. In large part filmed in Venice in 1990, when many of the original Fluxus artists met to hold a large exhibition almost 30 years after the first highly untraditional Fluxus' performances. 1993. 80 min. Video/C 3402
- Monterey Pop.
- A film by D.A. Pennebaker. Big Brother & the Holding Company, John Phillips, Joe McDonald, Eric Burdon, Mamas and the Papas, Canned Heat, Simon and Garfunkel, Hugh Masekela, Jefferson Airplane, Janis Joplin, The Animals, Otis Redding, Jimi Hendrix, Ravi Shankar, The Who, Country Joe and the Fish.
The definitive document of the first great rock festival", a filmed record of the Monterey International Pop Festival, held in June, 1967.98 min. Video/C 5338 - Nico Icon.
- Featuring Nico, Andy Warhol, Viva, Lou Reed, John Cale, Jackson Browne, Paul Morrissey, Billy Name, Jonas Mekas, Sterling Morrison, Velvet Underground members.
A haunting documentary that seamlessly glides from the vastly entertaining to the sadly shocking, of the German model, singer and occasional actress who became the pop icon Nico. Featuring archival footage and interviews with 60's pop culture legends the film explores the deep inner scars that were buried beneath Nico, the blase femme fatale turned junkie. 67 min. Video/C 7480 - Rock & Roll. Video/C 4158-4162. See in particular the following installments:
Shakespeares in the Alley. Looks at the towering influences of Bob Dylan and the Beatles on rock and roll and "folk rock". This film includes footage of performances by Dylan and the Beatles and interviews with Beatles producer George Martin, Dylan musician Al Kooper, Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary, Roger McGuinn and David Crosby of the Byrds and poet Allen Ginsberg. Video/C 4159 Crossroads. Traces the blues which changed the sound of rock and roll, from the Mississippi Delta to Chicago to the UK, where this earthy rich sound inspired a host of young British musicians bored with the pop music of the day. Eric Clapton, John Mayall, Keith Richards and Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones and Jeff Beck tell how their hits introduced American rock fans to their own indigenous blues masters, like Howlin' Wolf and John Lee Hooker. Video/C 4160 Blues in Technicolor. Takes viewers on a trip into the psychedelic rock world of the late 60's and early 70's. Using interviews with the Byrds, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane and Pink Floyd, this film shows how a bohemian folk culture based in San Francisco set off an international explosion of musical experimentation and eclecticism--much of it drug-inspired. Video/C 4160 Punk. Explores two late 70's musical innovations: punk and reggae. In New York, members of Blondie, Talking Heads, Television and the Ramones tell how they inadvertently created the cynical, urban sound that became punk rock. In London, punk takes off with the Sex Pistols, and members of the Wailers and the Clash) recall how Jamaican reggae crossed international boundaries, deeply influencing punk and pop rock. The Perfect Beat begins at a time when megastars like Bruce Springsteen, and Metallica filled arenas around the world and moves on to chronicle the rise of a new musical form: rap. From Grandmaster Flash to Run-DMC, from De La Soul to British innovators New Order to the Beastie Boys, the program traces the evolution of this new sound in the 80's and early 90's. Film shows how superstars like Madonna and Prince folded rap, techno and house, into their music, and how MTV ultimately embraced it. Video/C 4162  History of Rock & Roll series - San Francisco Mime Troupe.
- Taped for an archive of Bay Area theater. Performed by the San Francisco Mime Troupe, the oldest political comedy theater in America. 2 videocassettes, approx. 2 hrs. Video/C 526
- Sympathy for the Devil
- Directed by Jean-Luc Godard Using both documentary and staged sequences, this film alternates between an inside look at the Rolling Stone's recording process and reflections on contemporary politics and aesthetics. One half of the film focuses on the recording of the song "Sympathy for the devil" by the Rolling Stones while the other half of the film presents a series of sequences dealing with issues like black power, pornography, racism and Marxism. These sequences provide a chance for Godard to inject political commentary and musings on the nature of cinema and serve as counterpoint to the direct presentation of the creative process seen in the Stones' studio sessions. 1968. 101 min. Video/C 6460
- Television Advertisements of the 60's
MRC's Television videography for a more extensive listing of 1960's TV commercials
Automobile Advertising of the 60's Ads: Volkswagen (4 adds)--Vespa (2)--Comet (1)--Ford trucks (2)--Volvo (2)--Chrysler (2)--Pontiac (1)-- Chevrolet (3)--Buick (2)--Fury (1)--Ford cars (3)-- Oldsmobile (2)--Dodge trucks (3)--Plymouth (2)-- Rambler Marlin (1)--Honda motorcycles (2)--Sprite (1)-- Falcon (2)--Impala (2)--Karmann Ghia (1)--Thunderbird. 47 min. Video/C 6481 Beer Advertising of the 60's Ads: Carling Black Label (14 adds)--Lucky Genuine Draft (2)--Schaefer (2)--Schlitz (4)--Country Club malt-- Ballantine--Busch (3)--Pfeiffer--Colt .45 malt-- Falstaff (2)--Iron City (2)--Koehler (2)--Spur malt-- Budweiser--Pearl Dark draft (3)--Drewry's draft (2)-- Rheingold (2)--Utica Club (3)--Labatt's (2)--Duke--Old Style (2)--Rainier (2)--French 76 sparkling malt--Oertel's 92--Narragansett--Genesee. 55 min. Video/C 6484 Cosmetic Advertising of the 60's Ads: Fabulous fakes (2 adds)--Noxzema (7)--Yardley (3)-- Maybelline (4)--Cover Girl--Diamond Deb--First hand foam (3)--Pretty face--Coty cremestick--Avon (5)--Max Factor--Pacquins--Pond's--Fabulash--Desert flower (2)-- Chantilly perfume--Bourjois--Clairol (2)--Crepe de Chine--Sunbeam shavers--Ambush perfume--Hind's lotion-- Oh de London cologne--Tigresse & Brut--My Island cologne--Revlon Intimate--Tabu perfume--Hazel Bishop--Jergens lotion. 45 min. Video/C 6487 - Woodstock: Tree Days of Music and Peace
- A film by Michael Wadleigh. Partial contents: Freedom / Richie Havens -- Joe Hill / Joan Baez -- We're not gonna take it / The Who -- With a little help from my friends / Joe Cocker -- I-feel-like-I'm-fixin'-to-die-rag / Country Joe and the Fish -- Coming into Los Angeles / Arlo Guthrie -- Suite : Judy Blue Eyes / Crosby, Stills & Nash -- I'm going home / Ten Years After -- Rainbows all over your blues / John Sebastian -- At the hop / Sha-Na-Na -- Soul sacrifice / Santana -- I want to take you higher / Sly and the Family Stone -- The Star-Spangled banner / Jimi Hendrix. 1970. 184 min. DVD 452; also on VHS Video/C 2945 184 min. Video/C 2945
- World's Fair 1964 : Relive the Wonder
- Part futuristic exhibition, part glittery strip mall, the 1964 New York World's Fair was planned amid the optimism of the late 1950s, but the Fair's two year run often mirrored the chaos of the 1960s. This film, set to a historical backdrop of world events, draws on the memories of fairgoers who found hope for the future in an understanding of other cultures presented at the Fair. 2000. 60 min. DVD 545; Video/C 5842
- Buses and Vans.
- A tour of various "hippie" vans parked by the panhandle in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California. Student architecture project recorded in 1971. Video/C 2301
- Can You Pass the Acid Test? Vol. 2[Sound Recording]
- Featuring: The Grateful Dead, the Merry Band of Pranksters, Ken Kesey, Ken Babbs.
Red, White and Blue meet the black Vietnam Day, 1966: Hawgs are comin. -- Sound city acid test, 1965: Ken Kesey interview -- Babbs & harmonica -- Take two -- Bull -- Peggy the pistol -- One way ticket -- Bells and fairies -- Levitation -- Trip X -- The end. In 1965 in a recording studio in San Francisco Kesey and Babbs and the Pranksters took over the place to reconnect all the microphones so the Pranksters could get the famous figure eight reverberation configuration working before the Grateful Dead showed up. They came late, and Kesey et. al. were high and kept getting higher as the recording progressed, till by dawn nine hours of takes had been laid down on the eight track. Originally recorded in 1965 in San Francisco, California. 74 min. Sound/D 61 - Can You Pass the Acid Test? Vol. 2[Sound Recording]
- Featuring: Ken Kesey, Ken Babbs, Hugh Romney (Wavy Gravy), Caroline Adams (Mountain Girl), Jerry Garcia.
Head has become fat -- Stars tell a story -- Out in the jungle -- Tarnished Gallahad -- Large soft woman -- Go head up on -- Anouncement -- Musical interlude -- Space flight -- Space jam -- Butcher is back -- Musicians exploratory. One week before LSD became illegal in California, Kesey and Babbs interacted with a crowd in performance at S.F. State, with a live broadcast by the local radio station. Originally recorded on October 1, 1966 in San Francisco, California.68 min. Sound/D 62 - The Diggers of San Francisco (Les Diggers de San Francisco).
- In 1965, while thousands of young people converged on San Francisco to protest the American way of life, the theater group The Diggers set up the Haight Ashbury free commune by means of guerrilla theater and street performances. Through interviews with members of the group and others this film looks at the evolution and experiences of the Diggers Theater Group, their eventual migration to a commune in Marin County and the impact of their performances. 1998. 84 min. Video/C 7270
- Flashing on the Sixties
- A compilation of the sights and sounds of the 1960's, a decade of love and war, resistance and rebellion, acid, Woodstock, hippie communes, free love, free kitchens and flower power including interviews with those who lived it first hand. Based on the book of photographs of the same title by Lisa Law. Bonus features: Theatrical trailers, 1960s newsreel footage. 60 min. DVD 2546
- God Respects Us When We Work, But Loves Us When We Dance
- A film by Les Blank. "Hippies and flower children dance and create rituals at the historic Los Angeles "Love-In" of Easter Sunday, 1967. This '60s classic documents a once-in a lifetime phenomenon, preserving all the fashions, energy and idealism of the first "alternative lifestyles." Psychedelic special effects!" [From Flower Films catalog] 20 minutes. Video/C 4690
Clip 1 (for Real Player) - Getting High: A History of LSD
- Explores the legacy of LSD and its impact on society, aided by scholars who examine its history in the context of the role of hallucinogens in societies throughout history. The presentation visits the lab where the drug was first synthesized by Albert Hoffmann in 1943. Thirty years later, after Timothy Leary and Aldous Huxley brought the drug into the public eye, its role in the cultural upheavals of the 1960's is still debated. The film also examines the controversial tests conducted by the CIA and the U.S. military as well as tests by other nations. Originally broadcast as a segment of the A&E series History's mysteries. 1999. 50 min. Video/C 7223
- Haight Ashbury in the Sixties!
- This CD-ROM is a documentary and interactive time capsule about the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco during the 1960's. It contains Allen Cohen's "The Rise & Fall of the Haight-Ashbury", articles, poetry, and artwork from "The San Francisco Oracle", photos, video clips, and music by The Grateful Dead, the Jefferson Airplane, and Big Brother with Janis Joplin. It also contains a resource catalog of contributors, featuring biographies and available work of each artist, photographer, filmmaker, videographer, writer, poet, musician and song writer that contributed to this title. Also included is "Drop Out", an interactive game for 1-6 players. Compu/D 319
- Hofmann's Potion
- Discovered in 1943 by Albert Hofmann, LSD was hailed as a powerful tool to treat alcoholism and drug addiction and to provide a window into schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. Aldous Huxley and others promoted the drug as a powerful tool for mental exploration and self-understanding. This film chronicles the drug's early days, and features interviews with many LSD pioneers. c2002. 57 min. Video/C 9744
- Intrepid Traveller and his Merry Band of Pranksters Look for a Cool Place. Episode One, a Journey to the East. (1999)
- A work in progress by Ken Kesey; produced and directed by John Purdie. It was 1964 and Beatnics, "the Pranksters," and other psychedelic revolutionaries were gathering together in California with Ken Kesey, who had just written "Sometimes a great notion." The publication party was to be in "Madhattan" in the middle of June. So they bought a bus, painted it and hit the road sharing such adventures as the bus stuck in Arizona and the loss of a Prankster in Houston, plus numerous wild adventures inside the bus, with Neal Cassady at the wheel, rapping and rolling. Following the main feature join them as they take the bus to Britain and Ireland, touring, performing, and widening the consciousness of all they meet. Featuring Ken Kesey, Ken Babbs, Neal Cassady, Faye Kesey, O.B. Babbs, Linda Williams ("Anonymous"), Caroline Adams ("Mountain girl"), Sunshine Kesey, Michael Hagen, John Swan. Contents: Intrepid traveller and his merry band of pranksters look for a cool place (54 min.) -- Bone us tuff! (Bonus stuff, 15 min.) -- On the road again (34 min.). 103 min. Video/C 7009
- KPFA On The Air
- In 1949, America's first listener-supported community radio station, KPFA, began broadcasting from Berkeley, Calif. The station quickly became a living testament to free speech and cultural diversity -- a vital community of the air that often found itself embroiled in conflict. This film reviews KPFA's passionate 50-year history, including its founding by pacifists and poets, through alternative news coverage of the McCarthy hearings, peace issues, race relations, nuclear disarmanent, nuclear power, student protests, the Black Panther Movement, and the Vietnam War, to the present day challenges that confront this ongoing experiment in democratic media. 2000. 56 min. Video/C 7063
Description from the California Newsreel catalog Links to web sites about Pacifica/KPFA - The Life & Times of Allen Ginsberg.
- Depicts Allen Ginsberg, an American poet and social activist in the different decades of his life and activities. Includes interviews with contemporaries of his cultural era. 82 min. Video/C 3463
The Beat Generation & Its Circle: Audio and Video Materials in the UC Berkeley Libraries Literary Kicks Ginsberg on the Web - The Love Prophet and the Children of God
- A riveting inside look at one of the world's most enigmatic religious movements and its infamous founder, David Berg. Bringing together a band of hippies and drop-outs in 1968 Berg preached the notorious practice of sleeping with potential converts to win over souls. Branded the "sex for salvation cult" by the media, this bizarre sexual approach enticed a new flock of converts swelling membership to well over 50,000 by the late seventies. c1998. 57 min. Video/C 8971
- Neal at the Wheel[Sound Recording]
- Deleware Memorial Bridge -- New York 100 -- Movie script -- Lemans -- Pass -- 4th dimensional beings -- New York 70 -- Cop stopped -- Ticket -- Cassady 805 -- Gas stop -- Concerto NJ Turnpike -- Seven back sprocket.
Neal Cassady rapping and driving Ken Kesey's bus on the New Jersey Turnpike in the summer of 1964. Experience 50 miles with Kesey and his Merry Band of Pranksters as Neal Cassady performs his famous New Jersey Turnpike rap. Originally recorded on June 25, 1964. 74 min. Sound/D 65 - Neal Cassady, Drive 1[Sound Recording]
- First of the "Drive tapes," recorded in an old Plymouth station wagon set up with earphones and mike, with Neal Cassady ripping and rapping and ranting and wrenching at the steering wheel and tromping on the foot pedals from midnight to dawn. Recorded by Ken Kesey and Caroline Adams (Mountain Girl). Originally recorded in the 1960's. 60 min. Sound/D 63
- Neal Cassady, Drive 2[Sound Recording]
- This second of the "Drive tapes," takes up where the first one left off. Recorded in an Old Plymouth station wagon set up with earphones and mike, Neal Cassady rapps and rants and wrenches at the steering wheel while tromping on the foot pedals from midnight to dawn. Recorded by Ken Kesey and Caroline Adams (Mountain Girl). Originally recorded in the 1960's. 59 min. Sound/D 64
- Neal Cassady in the Backhouse, On the Road
- Initially known as the subject of Jack Kerouc's book, On the road, this video contains vintage footage of Neal Cassady filmed in the prime of the 1960's. Now listen to Cassady's raps, and watch his moves and discover why he was called the fastest man alive. 1990. 52 min. Video/C MM196
- Oracle Rising
- A Video by Claire Burch. A view of the unforgettable phenomenon of the Haight Ashbury in the Sixties chronicled through music, psychedelic images and narration. 60 min. Video/C 5523
- Ram Dass: Fierce Grace.
- Richard Alpert, after being expelled from Harvard in 1963 for experimenting with LSD, morphed into Ram Dass, a serious and much loved spiritual leader, author and lecturer. This film visits Ram Dass in 2001 as he remakes his life since suffering a stroke five years ago. Balances fascinating, often hilarious footage from the hippie era with contemporary material and interviews with Ram Dass and his associates. 2001. 93 min. Video/C 9310
- Red Spring, The Sixties.(The Cold War series)
- In the Soviet bloc, communist rule stifles ambition and achievement. Soviet defense expenditure cripples economic growth. The young lust for totems of America's youth culture--blue jeans and rock-n-roll. In Czechoslovakia, Dubcek attempts limited reform, but in 1968, Soviet force crushes the Prague Spring. 47 min. Video/C 5739 (See MRC East/West Europe videography for complete series listing)
- The Same River Twice
- Working as river guides for much of the 1970s, the director and his friends lived an unscheduled, communal, and often naked outdoor life. This film shows their month-long river trip back in 1978, interspersed with interviews 20 years later of five people from that trip, in which they discuss their lives and the choices they have made since then, revealing an intimate depiction of baby-boomers who took the Sixties seriously, and then grew up. Directed by Robb Moss. 2003. 78 min. DVD 3583
- San Francisco Oracle
- CD-ROM: Digital edition of the San Francisco oracle underground newspaper with all 12 issues printed. Published in the Haight Ashbury from 1966 to 1968, it was one of the most unique and beautiful publications of the '60s, notable for its extraordinary graphic design by major San Francisco artists, the rainbow colors and the cultural explorations in its articles, interviews and poetry. DVD: Contains a 30-minute interview with Allen Cohen, the original editor and founder of the Oracle, and a film by Claire Burch called "Oracle rising," about Haight Ashbury and the creation of the Oracle. Compu/D 584
- Timothy Leary's Dead
- An enlightened trip through the life, times, death, and the possible cloning/re-birth of Timothy Leary, the Harvard professor who was fired for leading the counter-culture and psychedelic revolution of the 1960's. c1998. 85 min. Video/C 6325
- Timothy Leary's Last Trip
- Recounts the life of Timothy Leary, psychologist, LSD experimenter, and guru of the psychedelic revolution, and his first meeting with Ken Kesey, with footage of the 1964 trip by Kesey and the Merry Pranksters across the U.S. in their psychedelic bus. When Leary is diagnosed with terminal cancer, Kesey and the Pranksters decide on a last trip, with Leary, to the Hog Farm's annual "pig-nic," for a final reunion. 57 min. DVD 2546
- Turn on the Revolution. (The Rebels)
- In 1959 a twenty-six year old creative writing student named Ken Kesey became a guinea pig for LSD experiments conducted by the CIA and later used this experience to write "One flew over the cuckoo's nest." Timothy Leary, a Harvard research psychologist turned rebel guru, told people to "Turn on, tune in, drop out!" while an anti-war activist named Abbie Hoffman led a peace demonstration at the 1968 Chicago democratic convention. This film delves into the world of hippies and yippies; young people who put themselves at risk in pursuit of "perception" and democratic freedom. 1998. 47 min. Video/C 7446
- Yippie
- Using segments of news footage interspersed with segments of silent films, the 1968 Democratic Convention held in Chicago is presented from the Yippies' point-of-view. 13 min. Video/C 5802
- The Cinematic 60s
- Blow-up (1966)
- Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni; featuring David Hemmings, Vanessa Redgrave, Sarah Miles. A young London photographer believes he was an inadvertent witness to murder and that a picture he took may be incriminating evidence. "In 1966, "Blow-Up," Michelangelo Antonioni's deliberate, daring look at the emerging counterculture and the nature of reality versus illusion, became the most commercially popular art film ever in the United States. But Antonioni's cut rarely has been screened since, for one of the same reasons it became so popular: It was the first studio-distributed film to feature a flash of pubic hair. The...DVD release provides an opportunity for viewers who have seen only the various films that bear it tribute, most notably Brian De Palma's "Blow Out," to see if the inspiration lives up to its reputation." [Detroit Free Press] 109 min. DVD 2213; also on VHS 999:75
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - Chappaqua.(1966)
- Directed and written by Conrad Rooks. Cast: Jean Louis Barrault, William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Swami Satchidananda, Ornette Coleman. Semi-autobiographical psycho-drama of a young, well-to-do alcoholic and junkie who enters the psychedelic world of the "Swiss sleeping cure", and experiences a life-affirming epiphany which leads him from his nightmare. 82 min. Video/C 999:2818
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - Classroom Scare Films Videocassette release of motion pictures originally produced in the 1960's.
Volume 1: Drug Horrors: Six film classics which detail the horrors of drug use and drug addiction by focusing on the physiological, psychological and social effects of drug abuse. Produced during the drug scare of the late 1960s and early 1970s, these films -- designed by parents, educators, and corporate sponsors -- were intended to scare American teenagers away from "getting high". Contents: Weed (25 min.); Ups/downs (21 min.); 4 untitled films concerning the dangers of prescription drugs, alcohol, marihuana and heroin (78 min.) 124 min. Video/C 6006 Volume 2: Health Horrors: "If it could kill, cripple, disfigure, or just plain embarrass you, you'll probably find it in at least one of these classic hygiene scare films!" Created to educate children and high school youth these films cover such issues as venereal diseases, the diagnosis of scoliosis in school children, the health effects of cigarette smoke, the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs, and dental care. Contents: VD: truths and consequences (28 min.); [Syphilis] (12 min.); Scoliosis (15 min.); Smoking: its your choice (15 min.); Alcohol: how much is too much? (10 min.); Flossing and brushing (7 min.); Your mouth (15 min.); Drugs: use or abuse? (9 min.) 112 min. Video/C 6007 - Culture Counter Culture
- Contents: Coffee house rendezvous / The Coffee Institute (1969, 26 min.) -- Greenwich Village Sunday (aka. Village Sunday) / Stewart Wilensky ; narrator, Jean Shepherd (1960, 13 min.) -- Tragedy or hope? / presented by the National Education Program ; a Jerry Fairbanks production (1972, 24 min).
Coffee House Rendezvous: The Coffee Institute gives its self-interested take on how coffee houses served as engines of social revolution -- sort of -- during the 1960s. Greenwich Village Sunday: An entertaining film filled with sound effects, music and colorful sights of Greenwich Village on a Sunday in 1960. The circle is filled with people and there are dozens of places where one can hear good jazz, listen to poetry, have a cup of espresso or browse book stalls. Tragedy or hope? A fantasy story about a student and Vietnam veteran who defends a university library against a night attack by radicals bent on destroying its collections. Initially in league with the "radicals" he decides to reject their cause after his patriotic ancestors return to haunt him and a history professor explains he's become an unwitting dupe of a communist conspiracy to undermine American society. Reissued in the same year in a revised version under the title: Brink of disaster. DVD 2658 - The Doors (1992)
- Director, Oliver Stone. Featuring, Val Kilmer, Meg Ryan, Kevin Dillon, Kyle MacLachlan, Frank Whaley, Michael Madsen, Billy Idol, Kathleen Quinlan. Biographical film about one of the most exciting and controversial figures of the '60s, Jim Morrison. With his rock and roll band, The Doors, he influenced the rock music scene as no other group had. 181 min. DVD 770
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - Easy Rider(1969)
- Director, Dennis Hopper. Cast: Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Jack Nicholson. "Two long-haired bikers from Los Angeles take off on a cross-country trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. On the way they meet several unusual characters. A rancher and his family, a hitchhiker and the hippie commune where he lives, hookers, red-necks, but most noticeably George Hansen played by Jack Nicholson. Mr. Nicholson gained national attention for his role as the "law'er with the ACLU". Dennis Hopper won "Best New Director" at the 1969 Cannes Film Festival." [Internet Movie Database] DVD 4647; also vhs 999:229
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database Osgerby, Bill. "Sleazy riders: exploitation, "otherness," and transgression in the 1960s biker movie." Journal of Popular Film and Television Fall 2003 v31 i3 p98(11) UC users only Roger Corman bibliography - The Educational Archives, 1: Sex & Drugs
- Contents: LSD: Insight or insanity? -- It's wonderful being a girl -- Narcotics: Pit of despair -- LSD: Case study -- Marijuana (with Sonny Bono). A collection of sex education and drug prevention films shown in public schools, ranging in date from the late 1940s to the early 1970s. Learn all about the dangers of marijuana, the perils of heavy petting, the difference between boys and girls and the joys of menstruation. 120 min. DVD 1002
- Gas-s-s-s!: Or, It Became Necessary to Destroy the World in Order to Save It (1970)
- Director, Roger Corman. Cast: Robert Corff, Elaine Giftos, Bud Cort, Talia Shire, Ben Vereen, Cindy Williams. After a mysterious gas kills everyone on earth over the age of 25, a wisecracking hippy and his scientist girlfriend wander the lawless landscape of Texas and New Mexico in search of a pueblo commune where peaceful survivors are gathering. A Roger Corman cult classic. 78 min. DVD 5321
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - The Generation Gap
- Contents: Brink of disaster / presented by the National Education Program ; a Jerry Fairbanks production (1972, 29 min) -- Changing / National Institute of Mental Health (1971, 28 min.).
Brink of disaster: A fantasy story about a student and Vietnam veteran who defends a university library against a night attack by radicals bent on destroying its collections. Initially in league with the "radicals" he decides to reject their cause after his patriotic ancestors return to haunt him and a history professor explains he's become an unwitting dupe of a communist conspiracy to undermine American society. Reissued in the same year in a revised version under the title: Tragedy or hope? Changing: A documentary film produced by the National Institute of Mental Health, investigating how the 60s youth struggled to find an identity in a world of contradictory roles, morals and values with special attention placed on deconstructing stereotypes such as hippie, hardhat, square, etc. Puts the drug question in perspective as it relates to adults and the total society. DVD 2655 - Hippie Addicts
- Contents: Drug abuse: the chemical tomb / producer, Film Distributors International ; writer, director, Alan Kishbaugh (1969, 19 min.) -- Narcotics: pit of despair / producer, Film Distributors International (1967, 27 min.).
Drug abuse: the chemical tomb: The dangers of drug use by teenagers are illustrated by showing how well-dressed, happy teens are turned into slovenly, long-haired, drug-addled potheads who don't know that, according to the film's drug expert, "in high dosages, it [marijuana] parallels LSD.". Narcotics: pit of despair: Considered by many to be the greatest of all anti-drug films, tells the story of a good boy gone bad. John, a clean-cut high school senior, is targeted by Pete, a low-life drug dealer, as his next victim. Inviting John to a party, Pete tells him to "blast off for Kicksville" by smoking a joint. John proceeds to do just that and is immediately turned into a marijuana addict, who shortly starts shooting up heroin. DVD 2656 - The Hippie Revolt SEE Mondo Mod
- I Love You Alice B. Toklas
- Directed by Hy Averback. Cast: Peter Sellers, Jo Van Fleet, Leigh Taylor-Young, Joyce Van Patten. One day you're a career 9-to-5er with a pending marriage, and then next you know, you chuck it all for beads, bell-bottoms and free love. This is the life of Harold Fine, a dedicated lawyer about to become a more dedicated dropout. 1968. 94 min. DVD 5898
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - The Love-ins
- Directed by Arthur Dreifuss. It's the 1960s and every "love child" is in search of a guru to follow and lead them to enlightenment. Set in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury District, tells the story of a group of hippies who follow a much older man, who turns himself into their "guru," leading them astray and having his way with the young women in his "flock.".Bonus features: Theatrical trailers ; documentary "Los Angeles' 1st love-in Easter Sunday, 1967." 1967. 91 min. DVD 2549
- The Hippie Temptation (The Experimental Avant Garde series, 23).
- Hippie Temptation is a study of the lifestyle of hippies in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury district (narrated by Harry Reasoner looking like he's about to explode!). Explores the reasons why young people become hippies and the great dependence of the hippie culture on drugs, especially their experimentation with LSD. Includes an interview and performance with a young, obscur erock group, The Grateful Dead. Dream Flower is an educational film which examines the cultivation of opium poppys and how the sap is made into drugs. A funk classics! 60 min. Video/C 3564
- I Shot Andy Warhol. (1996)
- Directed by Mary Harron. Starring Lili Taylor, Jared Harris, Stephen Dorff, Lothaire Bluteau, Martha Plimpton, Anna Thompson. A docudrama of the cultural whirlwind of events surrounding Valerie Solanas' shooting of pop-art superstar Andy Warhol. Solanis arrived in mid- 60's New York City with a single-minded mission: to spread the word on female superiority. She became a fringe member of the psychedelic entourage surrounding Andy Warhol but when her feminist zeal grew too bizarre and violent, even for this avant-garde circle, the consequences were explosive. 104 min. 999:1600
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database Movie Review Query Engine  - Laugh-in (The Best of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-in) SEE TV videography
- The Mind-benders: Scary Drug Education Films From the 60's. Volume One.
- Contents: Mind-benders: LSD and the hallucinogens / written and directed by Lee R. Bobker (1967, 25 min.) -- LSD : trip or trap? / produced in cooperation with the Inglewood Police Dept. (1968, 19 min.) -- LSD : trip to where? / produced by Tim Knight (1968, 23 min.) -- LSD / produced by the U.S. Navy (1967, 30 min.).
Four films from the 1960's warning of the dangers of LSD. In Mind-benders, a harmless sitar party turns to tragedy. LSD: trip or trap? Chuck becomes a tragic victim of LSD despite his friend's attempts to save him. LSD: trip to where? A Timothy Leary interview highlights this hard-hitting expose of the physiological effects of LSD. LSD: a no-nonsense military training film about LSD. All the facts are here. What you do with them is your decision. Video/C 6452 - Mondo Mod and Something's Happening: The Hippie Revolt.
- A double-feature teen time capsule from the Sixties. Mondo Mod: From discotheques to political protests to pot parties, this film presents "the Neon Neverland of the Sunset Strip, peers into an underground drug den and even rides with an outlaw motorcycle gang." Something's happening: the Hippie revolt: Captures the day-to-day, "nitty-gritty" reality of the so-called "hippie" experience in the Haight-Ashbury, full of free love, be-ins, love-ins, happenings, body painting, communes and LSD freakouts. 147 min. DVD 1520
- Oh! Calcutta!
- Devised by Kenneth Tynan; written by Robert Benton, Jules Feiffer, Dan Greenburg , John Lennon, Jacques Levy, Leonard Melfi, David Newman, Margo Sappington, Sam Shepard, Clovis Trouille. Cast: Raina Barrett, Mark Dempsey, Samantha Harper, Patricia Hawkins, Bill Macy, Mitchell McGuire, Gary Rethmeier, Margo Sappington, Nancy Tribush, George Welbes.Based on the controversial off-Broadway musical comedy revue, "Oh! Calcutta!" is a series of musical numbers about sex and sexual mores. Most of the skits feature one or more performers in the state of undress, simulating sex, or both. 100 min. 1972. DVD 5655
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - Performance (1970)
- Directed by Donald Cammell and Nicholas Roeg. Cast: James Fox, Mick Jagger, Anita Pallenberg. In this underground film presenting a study of the 1960's, a violent and psychotic East London gangster needs a place to hide after carrying out a hit. He finds the perfect cover in the form of a guest house run by the mysterious Mr. Turner, an ex-rocker looking for the right spark to rekindle his faded talent. 104 min. DVD 1838
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - Punishment Park (1971)
- Directed by Peter Watkins. Peter Watkins offers a 1970s mockumentary film in which a film crew makes a documentary in the Southern California desert where a group of hippies and war protesters face a civilian tribunal which gives them the option of long prison sentences or participation in law enforcement exercises in the Bear Mountain National Punishment Park. Now these prisoners have to fight for their lives. Special features: Specially-filmed 28 minute introduction by Peter Watkins; feature-length audio commentary by Dr. Joseph A. Gomez; "The forgotten faces" (1961), an 18 minute amateur film recreating the 1956 Hungarian revolution; 24 page booklet with chapter on 'Punishment park' from Joseph Gomez's 1979 book "Peter Watkins" plus full cast and credits; text essay by media critic Scott macDonald on audience responses to 'Punishment park'; Peter Watkins filmography; original 1971 press kit. 88 min. DVD 4874
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - Psych-out (1968)
- Directed by Roger Corman. Cast: Susan Strasberg, Dean Stockwell, Jack Nicholson, Bruce Dern, Adam Roarke, Max Julien, Strawberry Alarm Clock and the Seeds. Jenny, a 17-year old deaf runaway in search of her brother, stumbles upon and becomes involved with a group of hippies. They invite Jenny to their large home where she is given her first introduction to communal living. Special features (Side A): "Love and Haight" featurette ; original theatrical trailer. (Side B): Audio commentary, Roger Corman ; "Tune in, trip out" featurette ; psychedelic film effects ; psychedelic light box, American Cinematographer article ; original theatrical trailer. 79 min. DVD 1838
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - Something's Happening: The Hippie Revolt
- "This is 1967, up front and in your face, a crystal clear look at a genuine movement--the "hippies" and their love-ins, the communes, the protests, nude body painting, free clinics, the Diggers, General Hershey, Vito the Sculptor, and more. So tune in, turn it up, and flashback as this film captures the day-to-day, nitty-gritty reality of the "hippie" experience." 96 min. Video/c 6415
- Steal This Move (2000)
- Directed by Robert Greenwald; featuring Vincent D'Onofrio, Janeane Garofalo, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Donal Logue, Kevin Corrigan, Kevin Pollak. A unique dramatized journey into the life of activist radical Abbie Hoffman as he battles for social justice and travels thru the maze of music and politics that defined the late sixties and early seventies. 107 min. DVD 534
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database Movie Review Query Engine - The Strawberry Statement (1970)
- Directed by Stuart Hagmann; featuring Bruce Davison, Kim Darby, James Coco, Bud Cort, Bob Balaban. Simon's interest in the campus strike is strengthened by his attraction to Linda, one of the demonstrators occupying the university president's office. Captures the feelings of the campus rebellion that shook America in the late 1960's with terrific 60s North Beach and San Francisco neighborhood scenes throughout. 109 min. DVD 2551
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database
- The Trip. (1967)
- Directed by Roger Corman. Cast: Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Bruce Dern, Susan Strasberg and Salli Sachse. Paul, a TV-commercial producer in the midst of a divorce, is persuaded by a friend to enter into the world of his inner consciousness by way of an LSD trip. Special features (Side A): "Love and Haight" featurette ; original theatrical trailer. (Side B): Audio commentary, Roger Corman ; "Tune in, trip out" featurette ; psychedelic film effects ; psychedelic light box, American Cinematographer article ; original theatrical trailer. 79 min. DVD 1838
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - You Are What You Eat
- With a grovin' 60's sound track this blast from the past is the quintessential 1960s counter-culture experience, capturing swinging lifestyles and trends, including be-ins, body painting, surfing, pot smokers, hippies, freak-outs, stoners and loners with the one and only Tiny Tim. Bonus feature: Theatrical trailers ; excerpt from "Rock stars '69 studio sessions." Photography, Barry Feinstein ; music score, John Simon ; music, Peter Yarrow, David Crosby, The Electric Flag, Frank Zappa, Barry McGuire, Paul Butterfield and others. Originally released in 1968. 75 min. DVD 2548
- The Weird World of LSD.
- A sensationalistic dramatization designed to dissuade young adults from using the drug LSD by detailing the horrors of the drug and the inevitable tragic consequences. Videocassette release of a motion picture originally produced in 1967. 78 min. Video/C 6077
- Wild in the Streets. (1968)
- Directed by Barry Shear. Cast: Shelley Winters, Christopher Jones, Diane Varsi, Hal Holbrook, Millie Perkins, Richard Pryor. Max Frost, a malcontented teen and famous rock star, is so popular that he helps elect a U.S. Senator. Next Max gets the voting age lowered to 14 and goes on to become President. His first act is to have everyone over 30 carted off to internment camps as the kids take over the country. 97 min. DVD 5321
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - The Cinematic 70s
- Afros, Macks, 'n Zodiacs.
- Vol. 1: A Compilation of Some of the Best Black Action Films of the 1970's Features clips and trailer attractions from black action motion pictures that were filmed and released in the 1970s. "You'll see Foxy Brown and Cleopatra Jones-- two chicks with guts. And what about that bad-ass Fred "The Hammer" Williams, shotful of lead and he still ain't dead! You'll visit The Mack Superfly and Blacula--these brothers have drive and don't take no jive! So turn on your black light, sit back and dig this compilation of Black action!" Films reviewed: Blacula, Monkey Hustle, The Mack, Dr. Black & Mr. Hyde, Dolemite, Cleopatra Jones, Foxy Brown, Ebony ivory and jade, Black belt Jones, Shaft, Super dude, Cotton comes to Harlem, Trouble man, Super fly, Lets do it again, Which way is up?, Black Caeser, Hell up in Harlem, Cool breeze, The human tornado, Disco godfather, Sheba Baby, Black mama white mama, Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold, Scream Blacula scream, soul to soul, That man Bolt, The soul of Nigger Charlie, Across 110th street, The big bird cage, Book of numbers, Trick baby, Truck Turner and more. 91 min. Video/C 6028
- Almost Famous(2000)
- Directed by Cameron Crowe. Cast: Cast: Billy Crudup, Frances McDormand, Kate Hudson, Jason Lee, Patrick Fugit, Anna Paquin, Fairuza Balk, Noah Taylor, Philip Seymour Hoffman. It's the opportunity of a lifetime when teenage reporter William Miller lands an assignment from Rolling Stone magazine. Despite the objections of his protective mother, William hits the road with an up-and-coming rock band and finds there's a lot more to write home about than the music. 124 min. DVD 1106
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - Boogie Nights(1997)
- Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Julianne Moore, Burt Reynolds, Don Cheadle, John C. Reilly, William H. Macy, Heather Graham, Nicole Parker, Philip Seymour Hoffman. A film that throws the covers back on California's adult entertainment industry in the swinging seventies through the story of rising porn star Dirk Diggler. A touching and humorous portrait of a most unusual family of filmmakers brought to life with a sizzling seventies soundtrack. 155 min. 999:2773
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - Patty Hearst (1988)
- Director, Paul Schrader. Cast: Natasha Richardson, William Forsythe, Ving Rhames, Frances Fisher, Jodi Long. Explores the crime/political/media story of the '70s: the kidnapping and mental torture of newspaper heiress Patty Hearst by the Symbionese Liberation Army ... and her subsequent transformation into a gun-wielding revolutionary called Tania. Based on the book "Every secret thing" by Patricia Campbell Hearst with Alvin Moscow. 108 min. 999:3271
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - Saturday Night Fever. (1977)
- Directed by John Badham. Performers: John Travolta, Karen Lynn Gorney, Barry Miller, Joseph Cali, Paul Pape, Bruce Ornstein, Donna Pescow. The story of a Brooklyn store clerk who is a Saturday night disco king; he begins to question the narrowness of his perspective when he meets a girl who is shedding her origins for a more sophisticated lifestyle. 112 min. 999:1145
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - Velvet Goldmine. (1998)
- Directed by Todd Haynes. Cast: Ewan McGregor, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, Christian Bale, Toni Collette, Eddie Izzard. It's been 10 years since glam-rock superstar Brian Slade faked his own death and vanished from the spotlight. Now, it's the job of an investigative reporter to locate this living legend and uncover the truth behind his disappearance! 119 min. DVD 2886
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - To the top
See Peace and Conflict Studies: Vietnam
War Movies videography
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- Adams and Eves in the Gardens of Edens (A Short History of Nudity).
- These jaunty films celebrate the year of "The Naked People of Berkeley", a time when this loosely organized group walked about "like Adams and Eves in the gardens of Edens" in Berkeley, California explaining that their cheerful decision to bare all was protected by the First Amendment. 1995. 36 min. Video/C 5529
- Berkeley Veterans Day Celebration
- Michael Blecker, Country Joe McDonald, Tom Bates, Dona Spring, David Gan, Bill Mitchell. Coverage of the Veterans Day celebration on November 11, 2005 in Berkeley, California. A film by Harold Adler. DVD 4674
- A Celebration of Telegraph Avenue Street Music
- A film by Claire Burch. A group of Telegraph Avenue street musicians get together to celebrate a C.D. done on a grant to empower the homeless. This film of their concert at Ashkenaz Music and Dance Cafe contains surreal documentary cut-ins of Telegraph Avenue scenes and people, that introduces rebellious social issues to the outward reality of their concert. 1995. 62 min. Video/C 5532
- Country Joe at People's Park
- A film by Claire Burch. Celebrates three concerts by Country Joe McDonald. The first is a solo performance at People's Park, Berkeley. The second features a performance with his band at People's Park and the third is another performance with his band on Earth Day, this time at Provo Park. 1995. 43 min. Video/C 5522
- Elegy for a Street Survivors
- A film by Claire Burch. This piece follows the strange memorial that takes place after Yume, a homeless man who had been a "Buddhist hippie" dies of respiratory distress. His friends gather to perform odd rituals such as passing out his last pack of cigarettes, burning money in his honor, etc. As their feelings and tributes are expressed, the little knot of street people begins to take on the aspects of a Felliniesque procession. A fascinating addition to annals of contemporary sociology as well as an absorbing tale. 45 min. Video/C 5528
- Ghost of the SF Oracle meets T. Leary.
- A film by Claire Burch. Partly surreal documentation of a book-signing by Timothy Leary at Cody's Bookstore in Berkeley. The book is Chaos and Cyberculture, (Ronin Publishing, Berkeley), 1994. The "Ghost" consists of images from the Facsimile Edition of the old Haight Ashbury San Francisco Oracle, published by Regent Press. 75 min. 1995. Video/C 5533
- Hello Goodbye Bob Sparks
- A film by Claire Burch. A piece in four parts, archiving a march to People's Park in memory of longtime park and housing activist Bob Sparks. Much music by local musicians. 1995. 90 min. Video/C 5538
- Homeless in the 90s
- A film by Claire Burch. The combined emphasis is on the friction between society and a marginalized group -- a friction that is potentially explosive. This emphasis is characterized by the opening clip, James Baldwin addressing an audience in Berkeley, where Baldwin says: "If I ain't got nothing to lose, what are you going to do to me?" The primary view of the situation is given via an impassioned interview at the Center for Independent Living in Berkeley with Margaret, a homeless Native American and mother of three. Includes original songs and images about homelessness. 1995. 40 min Video/C 5539
- Kenny and Georgia
- A film by Claire Burch. Kenny and Georgia: A film about an Afro-American homeless couple containing voiceover commentary and images of Kenny and Georgia, intercut with scenes and images of their friends and acquaintances who are also homeless. Includes original music set to images of homeless break-ins, squats and gatherings at People's Park in Berkeley. Ghost of James Baldwin, Chrismas day at Glide Memorial: A tribute to James Baldwin with voiceovers from his writings and original music superimposed on free Christmas dinners served to the homeless, while a homeless break-in is taking place across the street. 1995. 63 min Video/C 5540
- More Street Survivors
- A video by Claire Burch. This documentary film takes a compassionate look at homeless people who live on Telegraph Ave. in Berkeley, who sometimes land in hospitals, or simply "express themselves" in an area that tolerates more differences than the mainstream of American society. 1995. 30 min. Video/C 5528
- Oracle Rising
- A video by Claire Burch. A view of the unforgettable phenomenon of the Haight Ashbury in the Sixties chronicled through music, psychedelic images and narration. 60 min. Video/C 5523
- People's Park of Berkeley
- A film by Claire Burch. 1995. A kaleidoscope of past and present sociology concerning the origin of the free speech movement in America. Contains music performed at the controversial park, haunting footage of some of the "regulars" who hang out there and usually line up for the Food Not Bombs meal daily at 2:30 pm. Contains a running commentary by the author - historian Michael Rossman. 58 min. Video/C 5537
- People's Park of Berkeley: Then and Now
- A film by Claire Burch. 1995. Contains documentary film clips of the dispute between homeless activists and the University of California over People's Park. Includes interviews with some of the "regulars" who hang out at People's Park as it chronicles the history of the dispute from the riots of 1969 through 1996. Profiles the events surrounding the deaths of park supporters James Rector and Rosebud Denovo. Includes music by bands performing in People's Park. 58 min. Video/C 5572
- Poetry on Telegraph Avenue
- A film by Claire Burch. Poetry Flash sponsors a street reading, featuring such stirring poets as Diane Di Prima, adjunct to the annual Telegraph Avenue Bookfair. 90 min. Video/C 5525
- Remembering Jonathan
- A film by Claire Burch. Jonathan Montague, was a People's Park "regular", warm hearted rebel and dropout from mainstream society. His death motivates a spontaneous demonstration of love and rememberance, after which his few belongings are distributed to anyone who wants them. 1995. 30 min. Video/C 5526
- Remembering the Summer of Love
- A film by Claire Burch. A musical tribute to Bill Graham. Also includes several songs from the musical play by Claire Burch: It's a Blues to be Called Crazy When Crazy's All There Is. 30 min. Video/C 5527
- Riot on Sunset Strip
- Director, Arthur Dreifuss. Cast: Aldo Ray, Mimsy Farmer, Michael Evans, Laurie Mock, Tim Rooney, Gene Kirkwood. LA's civic leaders band together to do something about the invasion of longhairs on Hollywood's Sunset Strip. Includes fantastic scenes of 60s Hollywood clubs and teen scenes, with hippies, pot smoking, sugar cube LSD and terrific garage punk by the Standells, the Chocolate Watch Band, the Mugwumps and others. Notes: Bonus features: theatrical trailers. Originally released as a motion picture in 1967. Issued with: How not to manage a rock group (from TV sitcom The Mothers-in-law, 4/28/68). 87 min. DVD 2553
- Runaways
- A film by Claire Burch. Runaways takes a close look at the lives and hopes of a group of young people who've left their homes all over the United States, to come to Berkeley, a place which gives a measure of entitlement to the homeless of all ages. They are all different, Raven, Sweetleaf, Jeremy, Doug and the others, but they share a rebellious nature, a comination of innocence and weary cynicism, and a tendency to get into trouble with the law (often not their fault) since citations for trespassing usually means they've found a place to sleep that wasn't legal. 1995. 40 min. Video/C 5531
- The Second Timothy Leary Tape
- A film by Claire Burch. Tim Leary remembers the summer of love (two songs) (1996, 12 min.) -- If Leary was dreaming (1995, 30 min.) -- How Tim Leary changed my life (1995, 33 min.) -- Ghost of the S.F. Oracle meets Timothy Leary (1994, 35 min.) -- Life and death of a hippie (col. with b&w, 11 min.).
Five films concerning the life of Timothy Leary intercut with images from Telegraph Avenue, the Haight Ashbury of San Francisco and the newspaper The Oracle, that celebrate his life, philosophy and influence on individuals and American culture. Both his words and images are collaged against psychedelic overlays that still preoccupy his vision. The last film is a spontaneous memorial demonstration on the streets of San Francisco by his fans at the time of his death. 1995. 141 min Video/C 5534 - A Short History of Nudity
- A film by Claire Burch. These jaunty spoofs celebrate the year of "The Naked People of Berkeley," a time when they walked about like Adams and Eves in the Gardens of Edens, explaining that their cheerful decision to bare all was protected by the First Amendment. 1995. 50 min. Video/C 5529
- Steal This Movie (2000)
- Directed by Robert Greenwald. Featuring Vincent D'Onofrio, Janeane Garofalo, Jeanne Tripplehorn, Donal Logue, Kevin Corrigan, Kevin Pollak. A unique dramatized journey into the life of activist radical Abbie Hoffman as he battles for social justice and travels thru the maze of music and politics that defined the late sixties and early seventies. 107 min. DVD 534
Credits and other information from the Internet Movie Database - Streetwise
- A film by Claire Burch. A close look at people and events on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley and Haight Ashbury in San Francisco. Puntuated by original music, and heartfelt encounters with street people young and old. 58 min. 1995. Video/C 5535
- Telegraph Ave. Street Calendar
- A film by Claire Burch. 1995. The filmmaker probes the soul of people on the street with her guerrilla camera and open heart. Includes The "Naked People" of Berkeley. 58 min. Video/C 5536
- Telegraph Ave. Street Musicians
- A film by Claire Burch. A group of Telegraph Avenue street musicians get together to celebrate a C.D. done on a grant to empower the homeless. Their concert at Ashkenaz contains surreal documentary cut-ins that introduce rebellious social issues to the outward reality of their concert. 1995. 58 min. Video/C 5532
- The Timothy Leary SF Memorial
- A film by Claire Burch. Documenting an unusual memorial service for Timothy Leary at the First Unitarian church in San Francisco on June 12, 1996. Some of the noted speakers and musicians were Ram Dass, Robert Anton Wilson, Ralph Metzner, Frank Barron, Michael Horowitz and Cynthia Palmer, Diane Di Prima, Richard Katz, R.U. Sirius, Nina Graboi, Robert Forte, Country Joe McDonald, Paul Kantner, Diana Tremble, Barbara Imhoff, and family members Rosemary Leary, Deidra and Zach Leary. 1996. 58 min. Video/C 5534
- To Save Jack Kerouac's Daughter
- A film by Claire Burch. Archival documentation, including interesting surreal visual material, of a benefit to save Jan Kerouac, daughter of Jack, by raising money to get her a kidney transplant. Ken Kesey, Paul Krassner, Allen Cohen, editor of the old Oracle, Ramblin' Jack Elliot and others present tributes to Jack Kerouac, and poet Gerald Nicosia describes the controversy about a "conspiracy" involving the Will of the author of On the Road. 1995. 58 min. Video/C 5530
- Twister.
- A musical play by Ken Kesey with its theme the end of the world, leading up to the Millenium. Set in the land of Oz, with commentary by a talking skeleton and peopled by archetypes ranging from the Dorothy, the Tinman and the Scarecrow to Elvis and Frankenstein, all scrambled together in ever-bickering banter. Act one's theme is weather--hurricanes, twisters and floods with the appearance of Thor and his weather map. Act two is sickness with the Tinman and Glenda, the Good Witch in a rendition of "Psychogenic infestation," followed by the appearance of Legba, the African god of rhythm. Act three is earthquakes with Frankenstein and Elvis fighting, but then the good angel appears to lead all in the grand "Gloria" finale number. Contents: Opening sequences (24 min.) -- Act. 1. The Hungry Wind (26 min.) -- Act 2. The Lonely Virus (25 min.) -- Act. 3. The Restless Earth (53 min.). Performers: Phil Deitz, George Walker, A. Richardson, Ken Kesey, Ken Babbs, Karen McCormick, Carol Provance, Candace, Emily Messmer, Todd Kushnir, Lennon and Lewis Messmer, Izzy, Simon Babbs, Obie Babbs, Thor Babbs, John Swan, Zane Kesey, Roy Sebern, Huey Lewis, Steve Schuster, Chris Haugen, Mike Sugar, Shelly Doty. 1999. 128 min. Video/C 7010
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