Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Read: Kenya Votes Yes~Genocide Prevention

Gracias for your information. We need to be aware of global events, then do what we can do respond to critical events in the world.

Unidos Venceremos! United We Will Win!

~Peta-de-Aztlan~ Sacramento, California, Amerika
Email: peter.lopez51@yahoo.com
"An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come."
~ Victor Hugo, 18th Century French Philosopher c/s

From: US Holocaust Memorial Museum <information@ushmm.org>
To: Peter Lopez <peter.lopez51@yahoo.com>
Sent: Tue, August 24, 2010 12:22:26 PM
Subject: Kenya Votes Yes

Genocide Prevention
View as Web page
Kenya Votes "Yes"
In a national referendum on August 4, Kenyans voted for a new constitution that may go a long way toward reforming the nation's political environment. Political parties in Kenya divide largely along ethnic lines, and anger over the December 2007 presidential election results erupted into political violence with ethnic overtones that left more than 1,000 people dead. More »

Read expert analysis on Kenya from the Museum's seminar on hate speech and group-targeted violence:

Putting Hate Speech in Context: Observations of Speech, Power, and Violence in Kenya by Susan Hirsch

Hate Speech and the Political Crisis in Kenya by Maina Kiai

New International Law Resources
International Law
Only recently has international law evolved to define and punish mass atrocities against civilians. The Museum's Web site provides a series of approachable articles and resources, including podcasts and eyewitness testimonies, that describe the evolving international framework for preventing and punishing genocide and crimes against humanity. More »

First Verdict Delivered at Cambodia Tribunal
On July 26, the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia delivered its first verdict for the crimes committed under the Khmer Rouge, which was responsible for at least 1.5 million deaths from 1975 to 1979. More »

Perspectives on Bosnia
View interviews with Emir Suljagić, a survivor from the Srebrenica genocide, and Anisa Sućeska-Vekić, director for the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, that were recorded at the Museum's conference, "Fifteen Years Later: Forward or Backward in the Balkans?"

Emir Suljagić
Emir Suljagić
Watch the video »

Anisa Sućeska-Vekić
Anisa Sućeska-Vekić
Watch the video »

Featured Eyewitness Testimony
Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya was six years old when the genocide began in Rwanda.

She and her sister, Claire, fled across the border to Burundi, where they found themselves among a sea of refugees with no immediate access to shelter, food, or other supplies. Though international aid soon improved living conditions, they struggled constantly to survive and wandered from refugee camp to refugee camp for the next six years.

Watch Clemantine's testimony, as featured in the Museum's exhibit From Memory to Action: Meeting the Challenge of Genocide.
Take Action
Featured One day, sooner than later, if we become activists for humanity, we will no more resort to conflict due to the friction of our differences."
- General Roméo Dallaire, former Commander of UN peacekeeping forces in Rwanda

Visit our Pledge Wall and make your personal pledge to take action

Some other familiar names have visited the Museum's Pledge Wall and made personal pledges to meet the challenge of genocide. See the pledges

Voices on Genocide Prevention
Podcast Series »

Leslie Haskell
On August 9, Rwandans voted overwhelmingly to reelect Paul Kagame as president, a position he has held since March 2000, despite concerns about the suppression of rights during his tenure. Leslie Haskell, Rwanda Researcher for Human Rights Watch, discusses the state of justice, politics, and the media in the post-genocide nation.

Listen to podcast »
Read the transcript »

Voices on Antisemitism
Podcast Series »

Diego Portillo Mazal
Diego Portillo Mazal was born in Argentina and lived all over the world before settling in Boston. As a founding member of the Latino-Jewish Roundtable, Portillo Mazal works to bring Jews and Latinos together to overcome prejudice and find common ground.

Listen to podcast »
Read the transcript »

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A living memorial to the Holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to promote human dignity, confront hatred, and prevent genocide. Federal support guarantees the Museum's permanent place on the National Mall, and its far-reaching educational programs and global impact are made possible by generous donors.

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